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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. He's a talentless hack. He should fit in great at ESPN.
  2. It's always good practice to actually hand fly the first and last 30 seconds of any flight.
  3. We need to get back to beating them by 50 points year after year.
  4. MSNBC taking a piss on CNN's head. As I've said many times before, the issue isn't bias as much as accuracy. Everyone has a perspective, not everyone gets a pulitzer for covering up millions of deaths by starvation in the name of communism.
  5. I like to run. The iPos shuffle is awesome. I hate carrying my cell phone when running. I took my fucked up iPod to the Apple store and they told me they stopped making that shit years ago. Seriously, what idiot wants to carry a phone when they're running?
  6. He looked to be in the rotation. Sam liked him. Plenty of talent. With good coaching he'll be the #1 guy and a complete star. At 522 yards (on 32 receptions !!!!!!) he is the leading returing receiver. Your description is correctly applied to Epps. If he can get his head straight, he's a superstar. Jake Smith too. /sunshinepumpingforever
  7. Who are those people? You keep saying it's basic science. Basic science that is obvious and everyone agrees with. I am reposting a link to Wikipedia, which provides a different explanation for how the climate works. It is a complex system. If I had eons of data showing no correlation between CO2 and temperature, you're gonna need more that just "basic science". A tiny hint: it might involve an R^2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_system Basic science doesn't require computer models with terabytes of data. Basic science is right every time. Your friends in the movement, as I've posted above, are wrong more ofthen than they are right. Because.........................wait for it................................they aren't doing science. I'll patiently await your explanation for all those unforced errors. In the meantime, here's a piece from the far right BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-39054778 God forbid we understand that human nature plays a role in human decisions.
  8. What if I'm a european football fan?
  9. I see hammers has posted a zerohedge article as authoritative in a thread about media bias. If he weren’t impervious to critical thought I’d attempt to point out his error. The post contains links to Facebook admitting that it is doing exactly what the Zerohedge posts alludes to. Facebook literally admits to doing it. And that's in the ZH post. Facebook is working with the government to tell you what you can or can't say.
  10. Facebook removing Suleimani posts. For any of you who think free speech is a partisan issue. https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/trump-threatens-tehran-over-censorship-facebooks-thought-police-censor-pro-iran-posts
  11. In China, they straight up call you fat to your face. It's absolutely fat shaming and give no fucks about your feelings. It's pretty hilarious.
  12. I'm against rape but bagmen? Everyone else is doing it. If you're not cheating, you're not trying. I'm tired of losing.
  13. Why were there 63 Canadians on a Ukranian plane out of Tehran?
  14. Well this didn't age well. Post made in response to my conclusion: Yes, Johnson managed to, as you said, "cobble together" a bare marjority. Johnson isn't a conversvative, he isn't "my guy" is any way. But I can do math. I point this out simply because there is a collective hysteria of which I am not a part, and that provides me with a clarity unavailable to those involved in the hysteria. The basic data were there for anyone to see.
  15. This guy was much better looking, he looks more like me.
  16. I was discussing the policy implications. Not the science. Policy matters. The British passed a law declaring they will be carbon neutral in 2050. Ireland is about to pass a law banning the sale of internal combustion engines. A proper policy response requires a war with China and possibly India, do you not recognize that? I don't understand, if the science is so strong, why are the "scientists" wrong so often? The polar bears aren't dying. Snow isn't a thing of the past. The polar ice cap didn't melt. There was no increase is storms. Droughts are not more common. The hockey stick is wrong. There was no increase in sea level rise. Ice ages, running out of oil, famine, population explosion, it's an industry. Seriously, tell me why they're always wrong. At some point you realize they have been lying all along. It's an industry.
  17. It keeps you on your toes. I did Ireland last summer and Scotland before that. Main thing is that your personal space is greatly diminished. I'm about to head back over there and now I can't remember which countries I have speeding tickets in. I think the parking ticket in Switzerland got paid.
  18. Indeed. The remark about being a good family man was meant as an insult, like Czar Alexander III, who let millions die without ever giving a fuck. Don't you argue on a daily basis that the government should be given control over the economy and personal freedom? Government is evil. Rs, Ds, doesn't matter. The output is almost always bad. None of them give a shit about you or me. This thread is the perfect, the absolute perfect example. The political media complex thrives on fear. If you are scared, they can control you, they can take your freedom and you money. "WMD" Bush said. Military draft, land wars, lather rinse repeat. I choose not to be manipulated, most people don't have the intellectual and emotional independence to prevent that. If you want to avoid war, then you cannot let the media and the politicians control you. Which means you cannot let them make you scared all the time. That's how you stop war, with rational thought. Not by always asking the government to solve every problem. Because they give zero fucks about you or me, they only care about power and money.
  19. You're quoting a single, speculative paper and acting like it means something. There are so many things wrong with this, I don't know where to begin. You're out of your depth by a long way. Aren't you the poster who said that you just deny any fact that doesn't support your opinion?
  20. Because everyone understands that, so it is not under dispute. CO2 is unlike most other gasses, it is less soluble in water at higher temperatures. This physical characteristic is well know. You should reference a post I made above regarding "complex system". The only way to prove the AGW hypothesis is with evidence that exogenous CO2 leads to temperature increases, but we have plenty of example where that exact phenomenon doesn't change the temperature at all. The R^2 for CO2 is near zero. Restating something everyone already accepts does not make the R^2 0.93. Go to the master circuit at your house and flip it to the off position. Then take your car keys and throw them in the garbage. Don't worry, you won't have a job anymore anyway. The AGW hypothesis can only be proven one way, and it's not with an onslaught of liberal guilt.
  21. Funny thing, but that's exactly what happened. W is indeed a complete piece of shit. Good family man though. A propos of this thread, Iran called Iraq to warn them of the attacks, knowing they would tell US. I mean, you can't just evacuate all your soldiers on a joint base and our guys don't notice all the iraqis are leaving. This was their saving face. They are scared shitless we might actually attack them, as well they should be.
  22. You appear to be confused. Where is the evidence that CO2 drives temperature?
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