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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. Dude missed wide open people all over. But since it was vs Georgia nobody cares. The bias is hilarious.
  2. If the SEC gets left out as they should UT has the most talented roster in the playoffs. And I’m pretty sure no team without a top 5 composite recruiting class has ever won it all in the playoff era. So yeah. My ass is puckered.
  3. Should keep a tracker for hate mail. Only person I see so far that has Texas out is Stewart Mandel.
  4. They should make some tongue in cheek comment about the SEC being in w Texas and actually have the balls to leave Bama out. They won’t. But they definitely should.
  5. Legit 10. Nuclear. Have a rule about no drugs at the holiday party. Dumb rule.
  6. That’s the thing. If I didn’t cry like a god damn baby it wouldn’t be so sweet (well, it still probably would be). It sucks and will suck more when you have all the lead up to the got damn playoff game.
  7. If I didn’t show my ass every now and then... And actual quality ass as well - I wouldn’t belong here. Congrats.
  8. Fuck. I have posts here saying I’ll regret wishing you all well. I do. Congrats. Also some free advice you don’t need… don’t throw your holiday party at a place w sugary drinks. Strip club next year. You’re all invited - as long as you don’t win it all.
  9. You dbags are in. Won’t be close. Likely ranked 3rd.
  10. Im salty af. Done. I’m a bitch. That’s why I fit in here. Sorry. Not sorry.
  11. Talk shit when you get there. Laughing at OSU for no titles in the 12 and you’re saying this. Your season isn’t in the top 10 for OU in the last 13 years. LOL
  12. I never knew a shit12 championship was special. Glad I finally got the hint.
  13. Glad we are getting back to the hate. Can leave this amateur two bit conference behind and get back to what counts…
  14. I think the SMU coach has to be named Rhett, by law.
  15. Oh God. Let’s not start this again. I was roasted for saying UT should want a Georgia win. Nope. People wanna leave it in the committee’s hands. And of course an FSU loss is likely a must.
  16. Byeeeeeee. Beautiful ending. Now you’ll have to excuse me while I cheer on free shoe U. I’m sure you understand.
  17. Drake Stoops has a sad. Sorry Pokes.
  18. This is how I deal with the sadness of being left out. Pathetic shit. What am I supposed to root for tomorrow? I feel like I really want a UT win...I guess I'm just a salty bitch about how this exit has gone. I guess the moral of the story is I need to meet more morons in real life from UT AND OSU so I can properly hate. Alas, I live a sheltered life.
  19. I bet the dentist insisted on that sick fucking jacket for his 'free' dental work. Thing is fire. So god damn jealous.
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