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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. These golden bachelor commercials make me homicidal.
  2. All 12 OSU fans there are sad.
  3. Love this home field advantage. Big 12: it just means snore
  4. aggy has to be drooling seeing this performance. Back up the Brinks
  5. Woof. You guys very likely win the rematch. I’m just here to laugh at this loser fuck conference. Can’t even rig shit properly.
  6. He didn’t have it in Dallas in October? LOL
  7. Thank God for that little game in Dallas.
  8. I think he just sucks. Not that OU doesn’t suck. They just win a lot and suck.
  9. About to embarrass Yormark. 15 yards. Unbig12like conduct.
  10. Gundy w one more pokechoke for old times sake?!
  11. Plus the whole world hates them. Imo you guys definitely want a one loss UM vs a one loss tOSU. Fuck Michigan.
  12. You guys do what you need to. Hope it’s OSU and they get a 50 burger put on em. Depressing ass conference. Let em stew for eternity…
  13. Nice win. Sweeter over USC and their number one overall croot. We a basketball school now.
  14. Agreed. And you would know. The authority has spoken. Fuck the leftovers. We out!
  15. Owe my guy, Stunns. It’s perfect.
  16. I don’t go to games. Other than the RRR most years... Just way more other fun shit to do imo. See secret squirrel. Art Basel or a football game? Watching on TV, the SEC venues will be much better than 30% full TCU and KU etc.
  17. Lol. Not sure what you’re watching but this was never gonna be a game. Their D is making that quite obvious.
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