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Everything posted by Tuco

  1. Shit, do these people not have texting on their phones?
  2. It would only be appropriate if I did it to make money. It's merely irrelevant.
  3. Instead of reveling in his fear and sickness, I will simply take this moment to point out that he has a chronic anal cyst. It's how he avoided the draft. I don't know if any person deserves lung cancer, but Rush Limbaugh certainly deserved having a chronic anal cyst. Instead of focusing on his death, I chose to fondly remember his lifelong anal cyst. Because I believe in love. Praise Jesus.
  4. I assume it's mainly a political decision to court the black vote. He's not going to win it, but he will try to pick up a few points from last time.
  5. They don’t care. This is about teams, not rules or policies. They want their team to win. Go to any football board whose team is under NCAA investigation. It’s the same dynamic.
  6. I think it worked out about as well as the Dems could have asked for. Instead of the Senate just voting on removal (which is roughly 50/50 in public opinion), they were forced to also vote on calling witnesses (75/25 in public opinion). Bolton’s story will come out regardless. And it’s not like it would have mattered to Republican Senators had it come out in the House.
  7. There is nothing that supports your assertion. Even polling that showed more people against impeachment than for it, they viewed the Democrats' behavior more favorably than Trump.
  8. You'd be wrong about what you are pretty sure about.
  9. He should quote from Alexander's, Rubio's, and Murkowski's statements. Show this jumbled mess of rationalizations for what it is. Look right at them. Point at them. And then come back to the line about how political courage is rare.
  10. I could see the VP presiding during the legislative functions because he is involved in the execution of the laws. He is boss signs the laws. It make sense an almost top notch rep from the exec presides during the creation of them. But when it comes to trial time -the most important trial for the survival of this government you are just inventing- you’d want the top judge in the land to preside in a fairly active manner. Particularly considering the Senators were not mostly all lawyers or well staffed with lawyers. If I was (naively) inventing a government, that’s how I might imagine it.
  11. I think it would also be reasonable to suggest that the founders thought there was some functional reason to have the top judge involved in the most important “trial” for more than just decorum. Just because the VP presided in a certain way, doesn’t mean that was what the founders intended.
  12. I don’t think the Constitution really specifies the limits of his role. I don’t really read in there a necessity to protect whistleblowers or admonish impoliteness, but to remain silent on other subjects. My impression is that his role has been defined mostly by a very limited tradition. Maybe that’s appropriate, but I don’t think it’s a question that is beyond the pale to challenge.
  13. I'm guessing so we can sell more landmines. He views the military-industrial complex like a business. It does not exist to defend our country and promote world stability. It exists to make money for potential donors, increase export sales, and improve our economy. This is what unfettered capitalism looks like, devoid of any morality or grander perspective.
  14. He’s a statesman. I have no idea if he can wrangle votes.
  15. I cam see where they could make an argument that even if Trump did quid pro quo, it wouldn't be impeachable. It would be bullshit, and dangerous for our democracy, but I can see a logic there, however twisted. But the defense has not stipulated that assertion. They have said that there was no evidence of quid pro quo. Republicans are refusing to even examine the defense's case as presented.
  16. The DC offices generally have better systems.
  17. I guess that ends the "it's just an anonymous leak reported by the FAKE NYT; we don't know what the manuscript really says" defense.
  18. Don't know much about the race, but kudos to Beto for his efforts. You've got way too many presidential candidates who stick in the race, with no real shot. Beto dropped out, got off his ass, and is working to flip a state senate seat. That demonstrates humility and focus on what counts.
  19. I would also keep mentioning that Senator Johnson (R-WI) and Senator Portman (R-OH) also pushed for reform in the Prosecutor General office in 2016. And now they are parroting that Biden's actions to remove the PG was corrupt. Portman still has the press release on it on his website.
  20. I went up a level to the topic list in the Cloak Room. It reminds me of the "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" reveal in the Shining.
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