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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. Fuck yeah. It’s great even when weak by its own standards
  2. I like your turn bet sizing. Have to charge those chasing the flush. I’m check calling river
  3. I’ve decided this show is just one big allusion to my work email inbox. Solve one fucking issue and two more instantly appear as a direct result. Fuck you, pay me, Bateman
  4. I nearly knocked myself out on a soap tray in a hotel shower a few years ago. Stood up too quickly having forgotten it was there and slammed the back of my head into it. Had to get out and sit for quite a while just to get my bearings back. I’m curious if he did something similar
  5. I’m pretty disappointed with the action at Aria. Room is full and it’s a solid hour wait to get in a game, but then the play is just… lame I’m like 8 hours in without seeing a single $1k pot. Everyone is opening to $15 because $20 apparently just causes the whole table to fold. No drunks, no gamblers, no splashers. Just a tight, boring game. I can steal a bunch of pots, but they’re like $25.
  6. That actually makes a ton of sense
  7. Yeah, sorry, didn’t explain. Each street kicked someone square in the nuts. Was a good show for the rest of us
  8. The Final Season Speculation in thread that D and R represent April 18
  9. To be fair I late reg’d, so just 6 hours Not me, but I did witness this
  10. No worries. I’m about to min cash a $500 tourney for a cool $375 profit
  11. Great news! I’ve overcome that fear of calling a $1600 bet! 2:33:00 in
  12. Yeah uncapped. $11k and $15k stacks on either side of me
  13. Todays game turned into $5/10 w $25 bb ante, so I’m in the nosebleeds again. GREAT table other than having Hunter on my immediate left
  14. Bell hops at every resort are happy to do this, even if you’re not staying there. I’ve coasted without a hotel room for 36 hours on several trips and used this to pull it off.
  15. What are the temperature ranges inside the cabin?
  16. Playing tonight’s Bestbet $2/5 stream starting at 5 CST, and tomorrow’s $2/5 w $25 BB ante starting at 3 CST. These games have been very good the last 6 weeks or so, usually w auto-straddle and $25-50 bomb pots on dealer change. Could use a few good sessions ahead of my Vegas trip on Monday https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftawe1WZqxRfJGNsojGkSQ
  17. I fold. It bothered me so much that I left on dealer change, though still with a hefty profit. Probably the longest river tank I’ve had in years. His cbet size was consistent with other hands I’d seen earlier on the table, so that was almost a snap call. I possibly could have raised, but didn’t give that option much weight. I expected a check from him on turn, before it came out. Turn was confusing. Most players slow down here, even with strong hands. I still called fairly quickly. I could definitely still be holding a queen. Which makes the river even more difficult. Seems like he’d check call with his entire range other than those with a queen. Ie it’s either the nuts or a bluff. But let’s be honest here… the real dollar amount of the bet got to me. I’m not super comfortable calling off $1600 when it’s not super obvious I’m likely good. Ultimately that’s what bothered me most, and why I had to leave the table. Don’t half ass your trips to the nose bleeds.
  18. Long waitlist for $2/5, so I decided to sit at a short handed $5/10 game for a bit. I put down $1200 and then they tell me it’s auto straddle to $25. Not great but I give it a go. Within an hour I run it up to $4800! 7 handed. Folds to me and I open CO to $75 w JdJh. SB (young Asian dude, $7k) makes it $350. Others fold. I call. $735 pot. QhQd7s. He makes is $225 and I call. $1185 pot. 7c. He bets $600. I call. $2385 pot. 5s. He bets $1600. So $1600 to win $4k. He’s played a lot of hands. He leans aggressive but isn’t a maniac that I’ve seen. I’ve shown myself to be solid and not scared money, though an admittedly small sample size so I doubt he has any clear read of me. What do you do?
  19. I want to thank you for putting my $300 electric/water bill this month into perspective
  20. Before he became Ill, The Amazing Johnathan was my go to comedy show in Vegas. He absolutely slayed me every time. What I liked about the experience (other than him) was he always did small venues around Vegas. The close quarters and crowd interaction just make for a different show. I’d be looking around for performers in the smaller casino theaters
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