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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by B00M

  1. Hasn’t Russia tried and failed repeatedly in recent months to demonstrate their ICBMs? …And their nuclear war headed nuclear powered UUV looks like bullshit… but we’re gonna assume they still possess the ability to put a nuke into space and remotely launch it years in the future? I won’t be holding my breath
  2. Good lord. 888 and a fucking blue check. God dammit Musk
  3. Oh boy, now Musk is a useful idiot. At this point it’s gotta be inevitable that Tesla fails because this doofus can’t stay out of politics.
  4. Clearly we need to stuff the comment sections of her very serious videos asking about them tittays. For freedom.
  5. Wait, how did you qualify for Roth contributions? Am I regarded? not meaning to make you really tightly range your household income, just making sure I’m not miss any Roth opportunities
  6. I agree, i was just grasping for anything that might motivate team America
  7. I heard he was the one that led the liberation of Kharkiv so it’s not like he’s useless. All we can do is continue to donate for drones and trucks and shit while the US gubment slams its collective dick in the drawer over and over
  8. Not sure how much good a general can do with minimal ammunition, minimal heavy equipment, minimal manpower, and largely static front lines kept that way almost purely by drones
  9. I volunteer to help her dig it out
  10. This deserves a satellite image before/after Survives hundreds of years of service to mother Russia, 2 world wars, 2+ revolutions… but one tiny little special military operation…
  11. Turkey building a drone factory in Ukraine seems like a big dick move. That suggests they either have a ton of confidence in Ukrainian air defenses or they simply welcome the escalation of Russia targeting it.
  12. Is that purely for exercise or do you commute to work on a bike? I’ve mapped it out before and there are a couple intersections I just don’t want anything to do with but maybe hike and bike trail expansion will allow me to ditch the car some days in the future. Good luck to anyone trying to share roads with seemingly every person reading and typing on their cell phones while, oh yeah, also driving.
  13. But all we need is icing, the cake is baked /chuck strong
  14. Heard the Russians found a small pipe they were crawling 200 meters through to get behind ukrainian lines to create that narrow foothold in the south and Ukraine was pinching it off like a turd.
  15. What was that program and what is the chief argument against it that’s causing the decade+ delay?
  16. Someone needs to develop FPV drone countermeasures for the US consumer market asap. Some neckbearded asshole is going to build a few of these and plow them into cars and homes and create a new incel trend.
  17. I guess if your typical living conditions are dog shit, effectively camping in the fucking arctic for months at a time is bearable
  18. Based on the lack of enclosures at that 3D printing farm, I’m guessing they’re using PLA+ for everything. I’d be concerned about the parts warping in the summer sun but I’m just now seeing that summer highs in most of Ukraine are like 80 F! maybe one day Ukraine will be a western summer travel destination
  19. She says the total cost for this kamikazi drone is 13600 UAH which is about $362 … I’d be so proud of her if I was her father. That poor family.
  20. Cocksucker is playing real life Civ and realizing his tech is decades behind the rest of the world. Now we just need Ghandi to come out of no where and drop a nuke on Moscow
  21. As much publicity as these glide bombs are getting they better have a longer than advertised range to surprise fuck Russia. also I don’t buy into being concerned about Ukraine playing into Putin’s propaganda about being dangerous. The only way to stop the war is to bring the fight to Russia. Crush their economy and send inflation to the moon. Make Russians endure the cold, struggle to put gas in their cars, and suffer through internet outages on top of everything else. Can you imagine if Americans lost internet nationwide for 1-2 hours because of a war we started?
  22. I just wanna say that data analysis jimmyjazz is best jimmyjazz
  23. That’s a real feel good story. I hope HPD is as useless as APD because this case deserves zero investigation. If they do figure out who the bystander is, give him a case of ammo as a reward and move on.
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