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Everything posted by Woland

  1. For a county led by conservative MAGA assholes, Collin has come through on the vaccination front.
  2. It’s not important to accomplish anything, it’s only important to LOOK like you’re accomplishing something. Someone made it through four years of presidency following the same principle.
  3. When Russia started clamping down on the internet, it wasn’t just a move against internal dissidents, it was also preparation for an upcoming war. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was spurred on by early attempts by the U.S. to mess with the Russians.
  4. They are trying to get ahead of the (trial) game by disputing that it was an insurrection.
  5. Support for Candace Owens is a good marker for who is racist.
  6. “They were set-up by the FBI”. I only read this so don’t ask me to explain it.
  7. They see a difference. The random post is reality and the NYT is fake news.
  8. Evidently not free enough to choose whether or not to play the anthem.
  9. I flew to Minsk Airport once so this hits close to home. One of the strangest experiences of my life.
  10. I’m always amazed at how fast this shit spreads among the faithful.
  11. I wish abortions did not occur. My question is this...If we outlaw abortions, what evidence is there that the War on Abortions will be any more successful than the War on Drugs? If the goal is reducing/eliminating abortion, criminalization seems a bad strategy.
  12. We need a MAGA traitor to guarantee his safety in another state but instead hand him off to the NY prosecutor. Trump will fall for it because he’s no Michael Corleone.
  13. Thin blue line flag and Okay sign, a swastika if you want to be more provocative.
  14. That’s sure to aid teacher recruitment and retention.
  15. The Ks in “Republican” are currently not very silent either.
  16. So, Austin has been providing services. I hope these people have a plan in place if the bill becomes a law.
  17. Does anyone know from where they get their utilities?
  18. I received my second Moderna jab the third week of February.
  19. New dishes in the recipe box.
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