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Everything posted by Juicy

  1. Which staffer went to games? A staffer definitely bought the tickets, but which one attended the games?
  2. Because how would that make Michigan better than everyone else? Keep sign stealing alive. Make college football great again.
  3. Today's info drop is going to be hilarious. Can't believe this is going on for a whole week.
  4. Believe it is some light stalking of coeds, and accessing their grades and personal information Nothing to do with football. Seriously though. Michigan needs someone to vet all these analyst hires. Harbaugh is just like ,”are you a psycho, stalker or racist? Come on down”
  5. Have you seen the big 10? I am not saying that knowing the calls wasn't a help but Michigan could tell the rest of the big ten what they are doing and would still win this conference with ease. Let's hope he doesn't do it again this year.
  6. Harbaugh has the one thing that has proven to hide the flaws of average coaches. A transcendent QB. Look at what Jimbo got from a season of Crab Legs. With or without the plays Michigan still has a boatload of seniors on the team, and a QB that is going to end up in New York on Heisman night. That is good enough to beat up on any of the teams in the big ten and at least get them back to the playoffs.
  7. The implosion when the ncaa does absolutely nothing about this, and michigan just keeps on carrying on is going to be a sight to behold.
  8. 100% this. You always take care of the guy who knows where the bodies are burried
  9. Not what I am saying at all, just saying that part is cleverly left out of the clip that is the "smoking gun" If you read the athletic article it pretty much sums up where I am at with this. Its a bad look for Michigan, but at the end of the day aside from Stalions getting canned and probably a fine, there isn't going to be anything else that comes of this. Michigan can't comment on it or make a defense in public, so literally all of the "evidence" that has come out has a drastic slant that makes this look a lot worse than it is. I get it Harbaugh is the devil, cheating scumbag, still don't care, go win the big ten again and don't shit your pants in the playoffs this time.
  10. They don't. Also if Bill Self is still coaching there is no chance this gets harbaugh fired. May he leave because he is sick of the bullshit? Maybe, but I think he kind of likes it, he is a weird dude
  11. The crazy part about the video that everyone is up in arms about, is..... that it resulted in a TD. Michigan signaled pass, ohio state still scored a TD after the entire defense knew what was coming.
  12. There is so much that is wrong about this. No one at the university wants harbaugh gone. He is great for michigan. As far as the fast tracking.... Michigan has 90 days to respond to any notice from the ncaa, which means they do not even have to respond to the complaint until after the playoff is over. One guy who works for Eastern Michigan is the person who hates Harbaugh, he graduated from Michigan. Harbaugh is always a net positive for Michigan as long as he is there. He bought himself a ton of good faith by taking the pay cut, and then donating all of his bonuses to staffers impacted by covid. He will be at Michigan for as long as he wants to be.
  13. This shit just gets more and more wild. If it wasn’t the team I root for it would be a whole lot better. Vast networks, manifestos, hacking of university computer, and Venmo. What a story.
  14. 100% like if Ohio State and Schiano knew about this. They really dropped the ball. They could have sat on it for 4 more weeks and then just shit all over this. And then came our after the game and broke all these news and they make it like the last 2 years never happened.
  15. Not unless they can tie in exactly how they got them.
  16. I think the hardest part for Stalions is going to be losing access to the program. He was so close to the mountain top of being the head of the football program per his manifesto. Is he willing to let that go in order to save the program? Or is he going to want to take some blood for his being exiled.
  17. I was thinking Bucemi in Billy Madison. He may just be such a super fan though that he is willing to die for the cause.
  18. Dude was stubhubbing tickets to purdue games back in 2012 We've got a scoop... MICHIGAN STAFFER AT CENTER OF SIGN STEALING SCANDAL WAS BUYING TICKETS TO OPPONENTS' GAMES IN 2012
  19. they found his Mgoblog profile https://mgoblog.com/users/cstalionsuofm
  20. Holy shit. I know I joked about him being a crazy super fan earlier but it looks like Stalions was a legit crazy person. I guess it is a good think he was developing a "good" manifesto instead of some detrimental type shit. But yikes.
  21. Nothing to see here guys. Apparently this was all a big conspiracy set in motion by ohio state. This from one of the owners of MgoBlog. https://mgoblog.com/comment/245020449#comment-245020449 You guys may think, I am delusional but this is next level.
  22. Yeah this is what I would think? He is a public figure and on the NCAA. its not like he is a poster there. Obviously its a unique situation but at this point it seems like a valid point of discussion so continued scrubbing seems like it has some other motivation.
  23. Yeah it’s weird. They apparently have no connection to Stapleton but because the original mention of him came from a “banned source” (yes those are a thing on mgoblog and there are like a dozen of them) Yoder they kept scrubbing
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