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Anton Chigurh

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Everything posted by Anton Chigurh

  1. Some 2021 Honda PU photos. See the telescoping variable intake runners. Pretty neat. The MGU-H.
  2. A lot their time is lost because they have to brake a lot earlier than others right now (which, of course, also hampers speed trap numbers).
  3. Oh hey. https://www.racefans.net/2022/03/24/norriss-admission-mclaren-are-lacking-100-points-of-downforce-shows-depth-of-plight/
  4. This is what we have been told, but James Allison said yesterday it’s not caused by what the TV pundits are saying, so I dunno.
  5. Toto wasn’t lying about the chainsaw.
  6. There was a photo that I now cannot find with start/finish line speed trap and Merc was actually pretty high there. They don’t have a lot TOP speed because of drag, but are right up there on other speed traps.
  7. Merc was extremely draggy last race. James Allison seems pretty confident here, tbh.
  8. This is all correct. The vacuum comment seems to have come from a bit of a mis-translation or analogy from Marko.
  9. Here’s a link from yesterday about it. https://www.blackbookmotorsport.com/news/f1-las-vegas-f1-grand-prix-race?utm_content=201704605&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&hss_channel=tw-579795132
  10. There have also been a shitload of problems with the new graphics. So I wouldn’t be surprised if we missed a LOT. They went down for like 20 race minutes too, it was infuriating.
  11. Apparently the Red Bull DNFs were “not caused by the fuel pump”, but RBR does not want to elaborate on it. Weird. Don’t know what would be going on there, unless it’s heat related.
  12. Yeah his accent isn’t bad, I can understand him saying Mershaydeez just fine!
  13. Totally disagree on Paul DiResta. He completely sucks ass. I am indifferent on Karun. I don’t like hate him, he’s just neither here nor there for me. You know what is funny though, is that it seems like a lot of drivers can’t really do commentary. Like you would expect them to give you a lot of good insight and many of them just…..don’t. It’s weird. Nico is good but his presenting style is a little iffy sometimes. Button can present well but he doesn’t provide as much insight as you’d hope he would. That is why Ant is the best. He can do both. That new girl was actually pretty good, too. Naomi Schiff.
  14. Yeah, they have Simone Resta now, who is a great engineer and designer.
  15. I think they are pink for the first few races?
  16. Try Rushsync. It works for me. https://rushsync.com/
  17. To clarify, the high pressure fuel pump. The steering issue for max was for a bent/tweaked track rod which happened during a pit stop apparently.
  18. Speculation that it’s their mechanical hydraulic pumps failing.
  19. Mercedes had also been the class of the field in their hydraulic heave spring technology (and FRIC before that before it was banned). For 2022 hydraulically controlled suspension springs are banned, and teams must use a much more conventional mechanical spring. Inerters were also banned, which helped a lot with absorbing jounce/vibration and riding kerbs, etc. (they were essentially a mass damper for the suspension). Basically, the suspension has gone back to being incredibly basic, which is part of what is going on as well. Cars will look a bit more like Indycars going over bumps and stuff (as we have already seen). Though, the fact that they are all extremely stiffly spring doesn’t help.
  20. Well, CFD, wind tunnel, and running sim work is different, and it depends on what the issue is that determines which is used to attempt to solve the issue. The car is allegedly a beast in the simulator, where porpoising doesn’t happen at all. Sim work mostly tests setup work, like spring rates, damper response/rebound curves, alignment specs, etc. They are limited on wind tunnel time (it is a sliding scale based on constructors standings, taken at two points during a calendar year), but the rest they can still do as much as they want, as long as it’s all within the salary cap. So, essentially as much as their amount of paid staff can do. The problem with the wind tunnel WRT porpoising is that it’s really hard to simulate the issue due to a few reasons: A) It would damage the “rolling road” belt (its like a huge treadmill) B) You are limited to 180kph in the wind tunnel, which is well below where porpoising happens C) Wind tunnel models are 60% scale, and while many airflow characteristics behave the same on a 60% scale model, not all of them do They ran with a shitload of Kiel probes on the car in testing, so they can measure the aero load at the time the porpoising occurs and it will give them an idea of what to try to alleviate it, but it will take time to develop a mature solution.
  21. You used to have to start the race with the tire that you set your fastest time in Q2 with. That is now gone, and you start the race on whichever tire component you want (that you still have left in your pool). This also means that won’t be any babying of tires in Q2 anymore, and you might have noticed that some drivers had a faster time in Q2 than they did in Q3 today.
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