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Anton Chigurh

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Everything posted by Anton Chigurh

  1. Some dude saw Lewis’ old Zonda just chillin outside in the north of England.
  2. Also the Monaco 1995 incident, which I don’t think there’s video of, but is described here https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/articles/single-seaters/f1/taki-inoues-fleeting-f1-foray
  3. There was Taki Inoue. He had one season + 1 race.
  4. Bandcamp takes a fee except on Bandcamp Fridays. https://daily.bandcamp.com/features/bandcamp-fridays-update
  5. Red Bull is up there since they’re lobbying to raise it more. Allegedly, the only car to actually be at minimum is the Alfa.
  6. I sold my 7D to MPB and everything was fine, so I can also recommend them. Have also bought a good amount of film gear from KEH. Bought a Canon New F-1, received it and it didn’t work in bulb mode. They took it back no issue. Bought a different one and it’s been fine. Their item grading is very, very generous, as well. Stuff in “bargain” condition is typically pretty dang good.
  7. I like watching it even just for seeing F1 in 4KHDR.
  8. Whoops, not sure where the hell I got that from.
  9. The D810 is great. I’m a Canon shooter, but it’s basically the contemporary counterpart to my camera (the 5D IV, both came out in 2016). If you want to do all of that, it’s a great choice. It’s a full frame sensor, which is a pretty big deal for landscape and astrophotography. You could buy something cheaper, and it could do those things decently, but 810 is a tank, and in the new era of mirrorless cameras, it’s a great time to buy a DSLR. That said, that combo is pretty large and heavy. If that bothers you, I’d look into the Fuji system. Maybe an X-T30 or used X-T4.
  10. Just realized we have two Kiwis named Scott. They both are pretty decent pilots.
  11. Hell of a race by Scotty! I didn’t see how Grosjean got by both Rahal and Veekay at the end.
  12. Yeah, it shows you how hard it really is to be a good driver at that level. He’s obviously pretty quick but has had some spatial awareness issues. I’m rooting for him nowadays, though.
  13. Yeah, but that was really a spotter issue. But yes, they pulled a Sato on Sato. I swear this seems to happen all the time in Indy.
  14. At least we have Indycar this weekend, and Grosjean was looking fast.
  15. Anton Chigurh


    It’s actually 5 (I think), but that’s not super crazy really when compared to One Steps or UHQRs.
  16. Well, Renault is yellow, but the official Alpine color is blue.
  17. Some teams do split days and some do whole days and switch. Just kinda depends on driver/team preferences. Edit: lol at my late-ass reply without refreshing the thread.
  18. Some shots of the goofy Red Bull with its interesting front suspension geometry and pulled back sidepods and pushed forward inlet.
  19. We also may actually still have a little baby version of the Y-250 this year, though it’s more like a Y-200 (OK I actually looked it up, and the inner adjuster can be anywhere from Y-200 to Y-400). You are allowed to adjust two of the wing elements in the front, up to a maximum of like 35mm or so, so we will see teams do what Mercedes and Haas have already done, effectively creating a ripe area for a little vortex generator right here next to the nosecone.
  20. It’s all kind of ironic, actually, because in 2009 the regulations were changed to try and improve following and overtaking (sound familiar?). So, they change the rules so that the very middle section of front wing has to have a neutral shape. They do this because this area was bound to lose the most downforce when behind another car (since it’s more in the middle of the car), and by having it make little to no downforce, theoretically the perceived loss in downforce is very low when behind another car, so following should be improved. So, they made the first 250mm from the car centerline (Y, ergo Y-250) unable to have wing elements. You may know that where there’s a wing, there are wingtip vortices. Because the wings now “start” at the Y-250 vortex, we then had wingtip vortices, and thus, the famous Y-250 vortex, the cause of much dirty air, was born. This effect was very powerful, and made the bargeboards and under-nose cape work very efficiently, effectively sealing them away from the dirty tire wake. The same effect was used on the floor and the funky vortex generators that they used to have in front of the rear tires, and is still used in the rear brake ducts to seal the diffuser (these brake ducts were severely clipped in 2021, and were a huge reason why Mercedes were slower). A good visual representation of the Y-250:
  21. Start at 6:08 for that part specifically. It’s related to there not being a Y-250 vortex anymore (which was used to manage front tire wake and essentially shoot it out the side of the car, which negatively affected following cars). Because this doesn’t exist anymore, the fins and vanes of the spec part help to manage that wake, but in a manner than doesn’t create really dirty air for the cars behind, which inhibits following and overtaking. I know you asked about how much they would affect performance, but yeah, it’s really hard to say right now. It likely will mostly affect single-lap performance more than race pace (which is typical). Another note: the cars should be able to follow better, but the slipstream will also be less powerful.
  22. Ok, third time’s the charm for Alpine. Here are renders of the “actual car”.
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