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Paul Wesley

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Everything posted by Paul Wesley

  1. Those Kansas State vs Houston numbers should absolutely horrify the athletic departments of the left-behind schools. I wish I could be there in a couple years when the networks write their corresponding dollar figure on a sheet of paper and slide it across the table to Yormark and Wiesner.
  2. “He goes down slow too.” - Bum Phillips
  3. A good retirement portfolio would be real estate and pedals that don't fit on a board. Rebalance as needed.
  4. I have this one. Hit me up if you want to borrow it (it's pretty fun).
  5. I'm a Sark fan, but passing up a FG there (twice) was just monumentally stupid. Objective number one: Win. The. Game. The math says those three points are very meaningful. If a FG takes you from an 11-point lead to an 14-point lead, then it's still a 2-score game, and I suppose you can argue going for the TD. But the lead was 15 points, and tacking on a FG is *HUGE* right there. It makes it a 3-score game with less than a quarter to play. Failing to punch it in (shocker) also totally energized the BYU sidelines and their fans. If BYU had gotten lucky on those possessions and hit a deep jump ball, or if our DB fell down - or whatever - then they would have been kicking off in a 1-score game with ALL the pressure on our offense. Yes, we were the better team, and we got a couple of late scores and pulled away at the end of the game. That doesn't make those decisions less stupid. There's a time to let your nuts hang. There's also a time to take the FG and kickoff with a 3-score lead.
  6. Biff was right - it's a fucking Idiocracy version of "news."
  7. Yeah, a 70-year old dude with a felony murder conviction and a lifelong history of dropping N-bombs... he's the go-to law enforcement expert for Fox News. Bull Connor and Daryl Gates are dead, so I guess that's as "fair and balanced" as they can get.
  8. There's no work-around for that, right? A band can have a pitchy singer and still rock. They can have a limited-skillset guitarist and rock hard (as long as he recognizes his limitations). Ditto for bass. But if the drummer doesn't have some reasonable level of groove/timing/feel, there is just nothing the rest of the band can do to cover that up. The stink covers them all.
  9. For the sake of my mental health, I should stop reading the news as the resumes of the prospective GOP speakers as their names are put forward for consideration. Scalise who proudly called himself "David Duke without the baggage." Jordan who covered up sexual abuse and shows relentless fealty to Trump and hostility to functioning government. Now Johnson who repeatedly propagated election lies, filed briefs to overturn a fair election, and wants me to live in his theocracy. It's all just so fucking gross. We see who they are in their presidential "debates" where none of them is willing to criticize Trump, except for the guy who enabled Trump from the inside for years and years, right up until the moment that he made his own power-grab calculation to be the "anti" vote (now polling at around 3%). I know I'm just observing what's been obvious for the past 8 years and counting, but it's disheartening to see it on display. I never thought I'd feel nostalgic for Romney or McCain - guys who I just disagreed with on most issues, but at least I didn't have to wake up every morning and see stories of them covering up sexual abuse, plotting to overthrowing democracy, trafficking teenage girls with Venmo payments, vaping and getting to second base in a theater where families are watching musicals, or having a completely forged identity. I still believe that none of this would be possible - and have vigorous party-wide support - without relentless right-wing propaganda that presents itself as news.
  10. Damn. That's a crazy tool. I love my Mobius - but Mobius only does modulation and not time-based effects. You could set up a pretty ferocious board with a really small footprint. TC Electronics makes great stuff.
  11. It's such a cool effect. Pinwheel looks cool. I'd never heard of it.
  12. Setting aside all the psychology of rivalry games and underdog vs favorite... OU did a great job vs Texas of scheming around their lack of a traditional running game (handoffs to the RB), but they're not gonna make it through a whole season beating teams with QB draws, sweeps, wildcats, etc. They'll almost certainly come back and win this home game vs the team that lost to Baylor(!) and hasn't won a Big 12 game. But the shitty O-line pigeons always come home to roost, i.e. they're gonna drop a couple games this year, maybe one of those being Big 12 championship.
  13. Just as a reminder here: Garcia hit a 3-run shot, does about as much showboating as you're ever going to see. Stands forever in batter's box. Carries bat to first base and slams it down. Does a big slow-motion stomping thing as he gets to home. After all that nonsense, Verlander gets the ball back and throws a strike to the next hitter. Half-inning later: Altuve hits a 3-run shot, takes his bases with none of that bullshit. Leclerc gets the ball back and like a little bitch he throws the very next pitch right at Dubon's head.
  14. Babers said on his podcast that he (himself) knew exactly what the play was going to be based on Texas' personnel and alignment - we had run the same routes from the same formation vs Bama (and maybe others). He agrees that the OU defense acted like they knew the play. I would bet the house that most/all of our opponents are trying to steal signs... but that particular play might just be opposing players who watch film + a failure in self-scouting.
  15. I don't know either, but I know that the scandals that become sticky and permanent are the ones that line up with already-held grievances. And it seems like a lot of people already don't like Harbaugh's demeanor. On a side note here: if I were a coach getting paid tens of millions of dollars to coach for a school whose brand is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, I'd be 100% aware that there's an information war happening as part of the game -- programs are trying to get a competitive edge. They had better act accordingly (e.g. don't use hand signals like you're at a division III school in the 1970's). Shit, Ed Biles was doing this as the Oilers' defensive coordinator in 1979. https://vault.si.com/vault/1980/01/07/the-stolen-signals-caper
  16. If you're trying to do the Nile Rodgers 16th-note funk thing with lots of muted chukka-chukkas, it's better to hit the compressor on the way in. He used bridge pickup of a Strat to an 1176 straight into the board (no amp) for most of those iconic parts. I've never played the Corey Wong Wampler pedal, but he is quite the Rodgers disciple, so I'll bet it's great for that. I think compression also helps on a lot of 80's clean tone things... either before or after the chorus.
  17. Now that I think about it, I think my mxr distortion pedal was purchased from one of the older guys in my church youth group. He joined the army at the end of high school, and he obviously got some kind of bonus, because he showed up at church the next week with a sunburst Les Paul, a Fender amp, and the most awe-inspiring rainbow of Boss pedals. I think I bought his old mxr distortion from him, and saved up for my own Boss chorus pedal (what with it being so futuristic and all).
  18. Just wanted to add: Joke turned out to be on the older kids, because I took that shitty pedalboard and fucking rocked it.
  19. I think it's more than twice that number, right? And there are almost certainly a few "Jordan" voters who are now going to switch their votes away from Jordan, because now they can tell their MAGA voters, "Gosh, I really tried." It could still happen, but I think the consensus is that it's way worse for Jordan than we thought.
  20. Tip of the hat to tbone in the RS guitarist thread - who posted his first distortion pedals. First three pedals I ever owned below. I have no idea where they came from, but I can tell you there was no auditioning involved, and likely these were sold to me by my "older" friends who played guitar (older = 16 or 17).
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