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Everything posted by Gooby

  1. A group that runs a magazine called "Christianity Today" wants to take my religion? Questions....I have them.
  2. Gregg Allman was at Gruene Hall around 2010 and I still kick myself in the ass for not going to that...or hell, for not even making an attempt to go.
  3. You still can't touch my roses
  4. We're down to so few people willing to board this sinking ship, so likely Baron.
  5. So, Mr. President, if I read your second tweet correctly, you are looking to cut a deal to allow "tough, hardened criminals" to stay in the United States?
  6. Managed to grab this one with my phone while visiting with the in-laws over the weekend in Bryan
  7. Further, who the fuck even talks about airports? In big cities, they're all big. An airport is a matter of convenience to facilitate air travel. No one gives a single shit how big the thing is.
  8. Looks like the dancing old man from the Six Flags commercials
  9. And here we go. Expect tales of a hardscrabble youth and running with a bad crowd
  10. She was apparently in leg irons this morning. The defense said they felt she should have them removed and the prosecution did not object
  11. The shooting was on September 6. She was terminated on September 24 following an IA investigation that found she "engaged in adverse conduct" when she shot Jean. https://abcnews.go.com/US/death-innocent-man-timeline-wrong-apartment-murder-trial/story?id=65938727
  12. Legals.... Will they try to button up the punishment phase today?
  13. From what I can gather from the live feed, it sounds like they are going to try and get her social media history admitted in to evidence for the punishment phase. They're also discussing drug usage and other stuff... ETA: Including her IAD file from Dallas police. This could get fun.
  14. People cheering outside the courtroom while she just sat there and had to hear it all. Brutal.
  15. I was told she'd be back. Imagine my dismay at some 5'6" dude on the stand who has horrible luck finding his apartment.
  16. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Watch-Live-Amber-Guyger-Murder-Trial-Day-5-561148641.html
  17. This dude has walked in to a bunch of wrong apartments. Sounds like a bunch of people are lucky to be alive.
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