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Everything posted by Gooby

  1. You know, that was heartwarming.
  2. All of this. "Don'tcha know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express" Eff that shit.
  3. I dig Yacht Rock, and generally I know what I'm going to get when I listen. I was about to drive my fucking car off the road if I heard "Our House" on Classic Vinyl again. And I know it fits the format, but fuck me that song is a beating.
  4. Specifically, Classic Vinyl. Lately, it seems that this station has softened up A LOT. I was on a driving vacation last week and heard more CSN&Y (who I cannot stand), America, Pure Prairie League, etc than I did Led Zeppelin and harder acts of the same genre. I know that LZ radio during the month of June spoiled me, and maybe I'm just catching it a the wrong time of day, but I heard "Peaceful, Easy Feeling" more times last week than I can count...and I "hate the fucking Eagles (too), man". Fuck all this shit and play "Heartbreaker/Livin' Lovin' Maid", gawddammit.
  5. The three piece spicy with slaw and a biscuit from Thigh land is good eatin'.
  6. OK, I can't stop laughing at that
  7. You are right, but right now, I'm in a place where I feel like these people need to marinate in their idiocy for a while.
  8. And that's it for me. Between my parents and my in-laws, I feel like I'm surrounded by this shit. As mentioned, I didn't say anything about Trump, rather, pointing out the sheer lunacy of the woman who's being hailed as a hero. It spun on me very quickly, and my threshold for this bullshit is very low. I appreciate her attempt to apologize. Maybe after all this bullshit is over with, we can put it behind us, but I think we can all see that shit's gonna get worse before it gets better and I don't want to wade through that stuff on my page. So I remain dug in. She can commence with sand pounding.
  9. No, I would not. I made a mistake. Posting the picture was a mistake, and assuming that I could edit the post was also a mistake.
  10. My post has been deleted, thanks to the mods. If you have quoted that post, could the rest of you please delete? I'm a fucking dumbass and appreciate your help.
  11. Don't post her photo. Wtf is wrong with you? I thought I could edit it, but I cannot
  12. Not my intent. How do i edit? It's not giving me the option to edit that post
  13. So yesterday, I'm perusing Facebook during a lull in the workday. I'm friends with one of my dad's secretaries from back in the day. She was my age, lived in my apartment complex and we often hung out platonically...she had a boyfriend at Texas State while we were in Houston. I have worked in media for a number of years, so I always look at things with a cynical eye at first, then will do my best to read up and follow up and learn more if the issue strikes a chord with me. I saw that she posted the Stella Immanuel bullshit, and I went to the Daily Beast website and copied and pasted the parts about her beliefs in demon semen and all that. She comes right back with "WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT???" and I told her that it was from Daily Beast. About 20 minutes goes by and she comes back with "Oh, some left leaning "news" site?" I told her that DB was pretty down the middle and even linked with some studies and media ratings, and then said "This woman is completely full of shit" and she comes right back with "How about you believe what you want to believe and I will do the same." I replied, "OK, cool. Tell the lizard people I said 'Hey'." And then she unfriended me. I didn't say a word about Trump or even attempt to go there. 20 years of knowing each other down the tubes. Fast forward to this morning, I get a text. "Hey...looks like you were right. This woman is completely batshit LOL. My apologies!", and then sends me another friend request. My response: "Remember at my dad's 75th birthday party (last October, for reference) when you were all "Snowflake this, and snowflake that, libtards and fuck Hillary and all"? (Mind you, no one was really talking politics at this deal) You dropping me the way you did yesterday was about the snowflake-iest thing I've ever seen. My family's done more shit for you that you even care to remember...(she had a fuck load of trouble with Texas State dude, and we had a weekend place in New Braunfels and there was more than a few times when they'd have a blowout and she'd come by looking for a place to flop instead of driving home upset. If we were there, she was always invited to stay, and if we weren't, she knew where the Hide-A Key was)...and if this is how you treat a friend, go fucking pound sand. Don't contact me again." She comes back with "God...I'm just trying to apologize LOL", and I said "Is there a part of 'fuck right off' that you do not understand?", and that's been the last message so far. As I type this, the whole thing looks relentlessly childish, and it is. Social media fights are about the dumbest shit there is, and I wasn't spoiling for a fight yesterday. At first, it kinda smarted because we've known each other for a long fucking time, but then I came to the realization that this is how it is with the True Believers, and I'm better off with that shit not on my timeline.
  14. How is it that Ted fucking Nugent, who once sought to adopt an underage girl for the purpose of having sex with her, is some kind of conservative icon?
  15. How many blacks and youngs have you ever seen at a boat parade? Check mate, libtard!
  16. In these uncertain times, it's a god damn shame we lost Gene Rayburn when we did.
  17. Our Springer Spaniel is Archie. He responds to Archie, Archimoe and Dorkface McGoon.
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