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Everything posted by Gooby

  1. Where'd Amber go? Why the fuck are we rehashing how hard it must be to find your apartment in this complex?
  2. Martin Rivera is going to get the shit texted out of him tonight
  3. Killed a dude on the 6th and are sexting/texting about getting drunk on the 8th? Screw this chick.
  4. Should have been doing this all along, and hopefully they keep it up whenever the shit stain approaches a microphone
  5. I was listening to the testimony of the medical examiner today. I had no idea Botham Jean was 7’1” tall.
  6. These cops made it to the right apartment. But they probably weren't scouting penis in the minutes leading up to arriving
  7. It would have been soooooo much better if the Indian PM's last name was "Dudi"
  8. Gooby

    Ric Ocasek RIP

    This hurts. I was listening to the first album on my way in this morning, and didn't even skip past "I'm In Touch With Your World" RIP
  9. I was managing a group of radio stations here in Texas when it happened. I'm a huge news junkie, so I was sucked in by the story...how can you not be...and was consuming it for what seems like months. Nowadays, I prefer to kinda quietly observe the day. I put the flag up before I left the house and just kinda stood there for a minute and let the memories of that day wash over me for a bit. I managed to stay off of social media all day long yesterday, and avoid all the nimrods trying to out-Murica each other. I know everyone is gonna mourn or reflect in their own way, but posting an assload of memes on your Facebook page seems kind of hollow.
  10. Don The Prophet...knew it all along
  11. Read this. It's fucking pathetic.... https://www.wsj.com/articles/its-kind-of-like-an-addiction-on-the-road-with-trumps-rally-diehards-11567762200?emailToken=9d69f76415a72c88776935e84bc33832C+4EdCa76sG6F1QTwMwjbSRU4BgkOGNlsOTtv3rCJa30agN5l/rgSgKYMQFC1+Y2nb5FLSL1PA4yX1uV/MBwPNiPsz2Z0UTSwZCyeSF7jwDRVkph6LXEs4lA7rHPN1QdqUvftqIx61Vft3taEF9xIA%3D%3D&reflink=article_copyURL_share
  12. Paying 2.5 times the cost of retail to OWN THE LIBS!!
  13. I bet they were big, strong strapping Generals. Straight from central casting
  14. I figure that's all he sees anyway
  15. Why are those dumbfucks in the final segment cheering? "It came in as a category 5 hurricane" "WhoooooooooooHooooooooooooooooo"
  16. Fucking word salad. "it looks like it's going to hit dead center." DEAD CENTER OF WHAT, PAPAW? "But it may be that you're going to evacuate. We're gonna see what happens." No, you dumb fuck. I am gonna see what happens "It's heading in one direction." Well, most of them do, fuckface. "
  17. I am 99.6667% sure that this, in fact, was not happening.
  18. I carried his golf bags once. He gave me $20 when I picked him up to take him to his car, then tried to give me another $20 when we got to the car. I didn't take it...he seemed kinda alzheimer-y
  19. This right here is a start. Journalists should stay on his ass about this until he gives a plausible, truthful answer. But that won't happen.
  20. 1: What a fucking clown show 2: Your tax dollars hard at work https://news.yahoo.com/full-story-trump-free-asap-rocky-161654472.html
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