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Celery Man

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. Seinfeldian in a different way
  2. Down to the wire, 375 left. Only hit 15 yesterday because my wife’s water broke immediately after I finished my 30 for Saturday, spent Sunday am in the hospital. I was hoping to hit the finish line before baby 2 landed but I’m close enough now that it’s gonna happen no matter what. Some encouragement this morning -
  3. I guess give up is a strong word, but I imagine there’s no Stroud next week? No Stroud I’m back to hoping Addison catches something deflected off a defender’s helmet.
  4. +whatever cutco shears and I also like their steak knives - some friend’s kid sold a set to my dad who gave them to me, most of the knives are stored somewhere but the steak knives and shears are every day for me.
  5. lol I mean at first blush it’s just a trash advertisement for a gag gift or actual porn enthusiasts and then you think about it a little bit and realize that a safe haven for sexual predators like X is the perfect platform to advertise normal looking sweatpants that quickly zip down to expose the entire crotch. fuckin a look at the pose on the model, just missing a playground in the background.
  6. Got another blank from Noah Brown and probably am going to give up there. Even though I think part of my rationale was correct in that Jordan Addison is going to be a pretty touchdown or nothing choice moving forward. Still managed to win - I have the most points scored and fewest points against in the league. I’m 12-1 and expecting to get knocked out in the first round of the playoffs.
  7. Still need a guitar I can really use all the pickups on
  8. I should get some smaller fish homies. I also love inauspicious things like fish spatulas that I can order in left-handed. (previous post was confusing - I have a bigass hell’s handle fish spatula I bought for the grill. I bought a metal diner style spatula as a smaller metal spatula and maybe better for smashing burgers)
  9. Still a big fan of the magnetic door canister spice storage. Old picture (rip Kevin) and honestly we could use another panel. Held on with fifty million command strips, two sets of some Amazon whatever. This was a wife project, and a successful one. I need to get some proper drawer organizers. We have some bamboo boxes but they’re always sliding around or coming apart. We do the pan/sheet stuff vertically with some cheap wire holders from bed bath and whatever or Amazon. I’ve always just had silicone turners cause you can use them on everything and cheap 22 year old me isn’t getting more non-toy tools than the absolute minimum. I brought my big metal fish turner inside because silicone wasn’t working with tortillas and man I’ve realized how stupid I’ve been to not have just a standard flat metal spatula in the mix. It’s made me dislike using nonstick even for the quick stuff, going to my raw and enameled cast iron more or my carbon steel flat bottom wok. Also a little frying basket is useful more frequently than I realized. And the bench scraper for cleaning/gathering/picking up.
  10. I remember him having some serious medical issue going on (even for him) but that honestly could have been 10 years ago. Looks like he hasn’t gotten out to much since covid? I dunno, I remember him from an earlier era of internet guitardom and his site is taking me right back to that time https://www.johnnyhiland.net/calendar.html I remember taking my gretsch new Nashville to Ray Hennig’s and him fiddling with it for 10 minutes and then sending me on my way no charge.
  11. I’m a born in the ‘80s cis straight male knitter who is aware of the gendrification of knitting as a hobby and is joking about that. I don’t personally associate knitting with being gay and am unworried about the association for me. I was a knitter before I was a dad. Mom chose soy milk and it’s not a thing I’ve chosen to worry about or argue about. I think I remember googling enough to decide that there was no problem with it. There’s no allergy and I keep 2% around for baking and occasionally my own cereal.
  12. So last night, sitting on the couch, 2.5 year old says “I hurt my stomach” and then vomits soy milk and apples all over me. Pretty sure it was from some cookie decorating that went sideways and she just ate way too much buttercream. Anyways, yucky - strip clothes, start laundry, clean couch, scoop vomit off the floor, hit the floor with the steam mop, notice some piles of dust on the floor that indicate the Roborock is somehow jammed and file that away for later because it is bathtime. execute bathtime, get kiddo clean and ready for bed, put her down, go downstairs to remove all the hair and Christmas ornament hooks from the robot vacuum, clean up the downstairs, empty the dishwasher, knock the next thing off of my “before the baby” list which is to assemble the bike that the toddler is getting for Christmas. Check the kid on the monitor and she has definitely thrown up. Strip the sheets strip the toddler start the laundry get the bath running clean the toddler again, remake the bed get the toddler down again, think about how I still could watch an episode of the office or something before I really need to pass out and then wife says her water broke I am so tired right now
  13. I’m feeding the kid lunch, and telling the wife how we are about to go to the park. We are finding socks and shoes when she heads upstairs, and then this conversation ensues *edit* we probably have frozen biscuits at the bottom of the deep freeze but it is filled with important trash
  14. lol highly off topic but I’ve worked backwards from seeing his stuff shared to learning about the podcast where he got his start and now I’m in a place where i have to switch from “Cum Town” to Cocomelon when I pull into daycare parking lot
  15. Here’s an interesting one - this is a bouillon strainer more commonly known as a chinois Chinois is French for Chinese
  16. Yeah I’m certain there’s a mountain of complexity around child support in general and particularly as a mega billionaire, but spending $44bn to get posrep from Andy Ngo makes him deserving of that criticism in perpetuity.
  17. I was in DC traffic driving between NYC and Raleigh with my wife asleep and the baby who had been crying relentlessly who I had just managed to get to sleep by sining along with a maddeningly short cocomelon playlist. And so I found myself seemingly for hours singing along with the same 7 Cocomelon songs while the baby tenuously napped in the background and I was too afraid to change anything at all. And by the 8th or 9th go round of Baa Baa Black Sheep I had convinced myself that this surely must be racist somehow black sheep walking down the road gettting shook down for wool not just for the master and the dame, but for the little boy too. I looked it up and apparently it is highly common for people to think that there's some racial connection but actually there is no historical evidence supporting that at all master/slave in CS (which, come on - I don't think anyone sees "master their craft" in a similar light), one of my biggest "oh holy fuck what did I just do" moments in my career was just a few months in to my first job, I was doing some manual software testing on a little app that was supposed to transfer aircraft data. I was playing around with the comment field, renaming aircraft ID, etc. It was a very nerd culture, I had a big R2D2 unit sitting on my desk. I thought about Star Wars and imagined that we were receiving data from Boba Fett's flight from the Cloud City. Aircraft ID - Slave I. Comments: Human Cargo that took about 90 seconds before my asshole puckered shut and I scrambled to learn how to scrub the whole system of any trace of a collection
  18. This is triggering my ptsd from the fsu Louisville game
  19. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_Your_Ears_Hang_Low%3F Lyrics make more sense with balls by quite a bit.
  20. Fuckin Boston teams and bloody uniforms
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