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Captain Ron

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Everything posted by Captain Ron

  1. I just looked back after the first goal and it’s 2-0 like that.
  2. Oof. That pass ended up behind Werner. Great chance but not quite on the dot.
  3. I found a few of the pictures these come from: Son Kane
  4. So for Christmas I got this Spurs puzzle. i just pulled it out today to take a peek at it. It’s a mix of puzzle pieces, soccer player pieces and as you can see on the box COYS is on there too. I at first thought the players were just generic. But a closer inspection is they are actual player silhouettes Son doing the camera - C O Y visible above him, top left. Kane kissing his ring Pretty sure this is Bale doing the heart symbol. I think the bottom one for sure is Kane, the top might be too. S is on the bottom right there.
  5. Spurs have the early game tomorrow. A trip to Newcastle. 7:30 eastern. COYS!!
  6. So one of the Delta flights that was supposed to fly along the path of totality - FAA said NOPE! https://wapo.st/3w1aV5s
  7. It's been talked about before in this thread - but Musk isn't as hands on at SpaceX as he is at other places. Gwynne Shotwell is really the leader of SpaceX. Sure he gets in there, but she seems to really clean up his messes. If there is one thing SpaceX isn't is slapdash. And again, even the rockets going boom isn't as big/worrysome as it might seem - SpaceX is much more public facing than NASA & partners ever was. They had shit buttoned up a lot more before they ever put a public face on their rockets, that isn't Musk's thing. And therein is the issue with Musk as a whole for all of his companies, just what you say - he over promises, and under delivers. The guy can't fucking shut the fuck up abut this shit. Back in 2021 he said landing on the moon in 2024 was doable, if not sooner. I can't find the article right now, but there was the interview where he said (2020 I believe) that Space X might just go to the moon in 2 years and stop waiting for NASA to get out of the way. He talks and talks and talks, riles up the masses, but fails to deliver. SpaceX has advanced a lot, despite what Musk has said. I think one reason why people point and laugh when their ships explode is that we have been sold the idea that these should be 100 successes right out of the box (by Musk) instead of the reality that these are still major works in progress. Are they behind schedule for Artemis? Yes, reports by the Government Accountability Office have said as much. But they aren't the only ones in this.
  8. I would argue that Space X rocket performance and the Starlink delivering are very different things. Starlink is simply just satellite internet company. And their issues are purely financial, because "shocker" launching satellites is not cheap, which is coming off their bottom line. I think they are very much overestimating adoption of their service, but once the satellites are launched, that is mostly going to be a profit only company. Space X's rocket performance is pretty damn good at this point. Falcon is a rock solid platform that seems to deliver time after time. It alone has put the US back on the map for space flight. Starship, regardless of what you think of Is well along and on its way to being a viable launch vehicle. I think they are going to have the kinks in Super Heavy just about worked out quite soon. And while Starship might be a little bit more time, it's likely not far behind. My guess is that when you take Starlink and SpaceX as a whole, they are doing ok. But in some ways, this goes back to the all in poker story. Elon does have a different view on risk, because of his wealth, he can just throw money at a problem to solve it. And his companies have this benefit. So losses now, they should be fine, unless he gets bored. But in the same way, that Delta Starlink test demonstrates his view of risk too - turn everyone's internet in a city off? BFD, just do it. Because he doesn't get the risk that a move like that can have.
  9. If you’re paying 300 big ones for that, I’m sure you can solve that problem with no issue.
  10. IMHO, this is the key point right here: Before I said there are 2 things here, but there is really 4: Dunn gets absolutely ZERO ball on this play - this is easily her biggest crime of the whole play She's making the play from behind, not shoulder to shoulder. If this play is shoulder to shoulder, this call likely isn't made. This is because Dunn had to make up space after getting blown past on the give and go. Dunn lightly gets Leon's foot, probably knocking her off balance Dunn's left arm, she is pulling back Leon's right arm on this play, which does lead me to the next part: Leon is very much diving here, at first I thought she wasn't because there is no way she could have forced the dive that quick after her leg was kicked, but in watching this 20 times + I realized she started the dive when the hand was on her arm. Once Dunn kicked her foot, it was over and that's a penalty. I will say if Leon doesn't go down, this penalty isn't given, and she only goes down because of the dive. But at the same time, this is still a foul.
  11. Oh it's a strategy. It's one we all wish we had access to. The ability to hemorrhage cash and just buy back in would be great. The thing is that for anyone to try to frame this in the Thiel quote is just assinine.
  12. @HiggyBaby - the first place you can find. You're talking about the day before the race - downtown is going to be packed, especially in the area you are looking.
  13. I went back and watched the highlights, I gotta say that's close. The problem is two fold for Dunn on this: She got beat, so her move to play the ball is coming from behind Dunn impeded Leon on the play You combine the two, I very much see why that ends up being called. I won't disagree that Leon sells the foul by going down on the contact, but Dunn screwed up getting into that position in the first place.
  14. I was just doing some quick back of the napkin math. If Wrexham wins Saturday, they will clinch promotion with MK Dons and Barrow dropping points. Because of GD, the win would likely KO Barrow regardless of their result. Mansfield Town drawing would help their overall result. As far as winning the league, Wrexham needs Stockport to drop points in two games before the finale, and one of those needs to be a loss.
  15. That Barrow postponement is going to make a mess of the schedule. Every date for the rest of the year was filled. They can probably play the week before the last game but it would jam up their schedule.
  16. Key results: Colcheter 1 - Stockport 2 - this reduces the magic number of Stockport to 6 in their final 4 games. Mansfield Town 1 Forest Green 0 - This bumps them into 3rd ahead of MK Dons Wrexham 4 Crawley Town 1 - Hold onto 2nd spot and increase their GD At this point Wrexham is clear of everyone but Burrow (who can still pass Wrexham) and MK Dons (who Wrexham will pass with any points in their final 3 games).
  17. You have 3 sides to this story. Derka’s, Motown’s and the truth. Reading this over the weekend, especially the examples posted by both sides, I realized that this really looks like standard message board banter that both sides appear to have taken way too personally.
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