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Captain Ron

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Everything posted by Captain Ron

  1. Nothing felt (by me) in the Boston area, but from what I'm seeing - 4.8 centered near Tewksbury, NJ
  2. Flat Earthers can all be blinded or maybe have some major eye damage?
  3. The downside of this storm is that it knocked out power from my place in Vermont for almost 12 hours today. Vermont was hit pretty good with a good chunk of people out of power for the day.
  4. April Nor'easter hit yesterday and today all of New England. The weather is absolutely disgusting today. 30s, wet and windy. Woke up to about 1" of heavy slush on everything, this is supposed to pass tonight. Ideally this storm is supposed to push all cloud cover away and give us good skies for the eclipse on Monday. Totality is just minutes from our place in Vermont.
  5. I won't deny this - I did pick up some beer for the occasion.
  6. We call it Malaysia. But because of Twitter, dude's words can be sent anywhere.
  7. This came after he already demanded a controlling control of Tesla (1/4 of the company) or said he would take the AI components out of Tesla. I mean the dude literally said he would do this. Any sane board would have removed him from control of Tesla the moment he said these words. Now he's actually doing what he threatened.
  8. Wrong thread dude. But seriously, as others have noted, declaring a public emergency isn't a big deal - it's a way to get more people/services online with a lot less red tape. Food/Gas really isn't going to be an issue for locals. They can stock up right now and be good for the event. Gas - fill up early. Eclipse glasses - just read them, if they are ISO 12312-2, they should be fine. The "tests" she ran don't mean crap.
  9. Adi Dassler probably would be proud.
  10. Not a good loss today. This likely keeps Wrexham in danger of falling to the playoff. Probably cost them a shot at the title too.
  11. Just flipped it on. Not a flashy goal, but a goal.
  12. That makes a little more sense. 1 days turnaround would have been tough, this gives people 2 weeks to get their schedules cleared.
  13. Gameday! I didn't realize Spurs had a game today, at West Ham! COYS!!!
  14. That report is pretty damning. They might cite "production issues" but when you deliver significantly less vehicles than you make, that's not a production problem, but a demand problem. Selling cars is hard. https://wapo.st/49k56Oc
  15. Not sure I would underestimate the frailty of the Texas power grid.
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