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Bill Lumbergh

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bill Lumbergh

  1. Dykes and his staff have done a great job this season. They're also no more proven for the long run based on their results this season than Todd Orlando or Manny Diaz were when they had great first seasons. This is all kind of my point. Progress is determined seasons at a time not games at a time. We're not as good as we looked against OU or as bad as we looked against TCU. We're somewhere in between and our record at the end of the season will tell us more about how we've evolved since last season than any game in a vacuum will. Similarly, how Dykes and staff follow up this season next year will tell us a lot more about whether they can sustain success at this level. He hasn't had this kind of success for his career, so this season is an outlier based on that. I'm not saying you're wrong about us (if anything, history would suggest your typically pessimistic takes have proven justified), I'm just saying the jury is out on if we're progressing or not. How we finish the season will tell me a lot more about that than a 7 point loss to #4 tcu in year 2.
  2. I think people are pissed about last night when really tech and ok state are the games to be pissed about. Our other two losses are to legitimate top 10 teams. It sucks that we had a chance to win both and didn't, but those aren't the losses to be stressing in year 2. So, we only have tech/osu quality opponents remaining. We need to prove we're past losing to them. If we do that, I can feel optimistic going into year 3. If we lose either of those, it presents serious doubt we're actually much better this year than last. Following up 5-7 with 8-4 or 9-4 is much different trajectory than following it up with 6-7. All of those outcomes are still on the table and each would put us in a much different place to end the season.
  3. Curious from those more knowledgeable on recruiting what the likely impact from a performance like last night will be. Sark the offensive play caller is fairly proven despite objectively laying a huge egg last night. I struggle to think offensive recruits dismiss his track record on one performance. Defense had the most question marks and most to gain or lose last night, and turned in their best outing of the season when adjusted for quality of opponent. Sark as a head coach suffers the most from a perception standpoint taking a loss when a win over #4 would be a big statement that the program is going on the right direction in year 2. That didn't happen, but I think the impact of the loss would depend a lot on the expectations of recruits. Are they expecting we're beating #4 in year 2 or improving incrementally in year 2?
  4. Depends a lot on your definition of "best" since that could be defined in a lot of ways. But some stand out female vocalists who I haven't seen listed yet: Phoebe Bridgers Haley Williams Norah Jones Lana Del Rey
  5. aggy's NIL collectives are opaque on purpose like Bernie Madoff's investment strategies were opaque on purpose.
  6. aggy hates mbg for the same reason they keep taking down midnight yell videos. They claim to be proud of their "differences" and how "from the outside, you can't understand it" but in actuality they know their entire school and fanbase are fucking weird and they'd kind of like to keep that under wraps. Unfortunately, their prediction that this "internet" fad will die down in a few years doesn't seem to be panning out.
  7. "Especially when Texas was mudholing the ever living fuck out of OU"
  8. Whether they did or not, it's hilarious how it worked out for both sides.
  9. I don't disagree that Nebraska and Miami are fucked, but they feel different. Unlike those programs, aggy hasn't slowly faded from national relevance (mostly because they never had any). The difference to me is that this is a program who loudly and publicly declared they were going to buy their way to championships both through recruiting and coaching hires. As annoying as it was to watch, I had to admit they were following the Georgia model and we've seen where that leads. I don't think Jimbo is a great coach, but fucking Mack Brown and Greg Davis won it all with the right recruits. The fact that in the middle of this buy their way to victory campaign the entire thing has very suddenly collapsed is almost hard to explain. Only aggy could put so much on the line and lose it all so quickly with no path to recovery. They're a blackjack player who screamed for everyone to come watch them place a huge bet, only to lose it in all 15 seconds.
  10. I was talking with my brother today and questioned, is the level of fucked aggy is currently completely unprecedented? Not only is Jimbo crashing and burning in embarrassing public fashion in year 5, their insane contract makes him untouchable, the transfer portal means his past recruiting successes can be wiped out immediately, their best players are quitting midseason, legitimate NIL has all but eliminated the advantages of their bag game leaving them with an unimaginably poor recruiting class for 23, no transfer portal candidate with other options is going to be excited to jump to a program where the current roster is fleeing, and to top it all off, they've somehow managed to embarrass themselves extremely publicly week after week this season with shit like the midnight yell finally seeming to hit mainstream attention. It is genuinely hard to imagine another program that has been as fucked in every direction possible as aggy is right now. I can't possibly see a way for them to pull out of this in the short term, and that includes if they actually found a way to pay Jimbo's buyout. They welcomed him to bcs with a red carpet and he's going to burn the entire place to the ground before he leaves.
  11. Can we petition @immamac to change @Bruh Man name temporarily to Fluh Man? Maybe just for the rest of aggy's season. That shouldn't be too long.
  12. Howell posted that he didn't feel a decommitment was imminent at 12:41 and Hill tweeted his decommitment at 1:13. Maybe by "not imminent" he meant not in the next 15-20 minutes. 32 minutes is another matter entirely.
  13. It will be funnier when they don't get to do it because they lose.
  14. I guessed this was likely, but what the fuck is their plan to manage this? Next week when they're out, do they still have the "flu?" At some point the bs is going to get pretty obvious, but then again, we're talking about aggy. They'll pretty much eat whatever shit Luigi feeds them and like it. Prolonged, season ending flu epidemic isn't the least believable thing they've accepted as true.
  15. Concussions and Head Injuries The skull protects the brain against penetrating trauma, but does not absorb all the impact of a violent force. The brain is cushioned inside the skull by the surrounding cerebrospinal fluid. Despite this, an abrupt blow to the head, or even a rapid deceleration, can cause the brain to contact the inner side of the skull. ~~~ See...it's the flu.
  16. Seems the Sexton thing is likely a rumor, haven't seen it show up anywhere other than their boards. But, if it was true, I'd imagine the conversation went something like this: aggy: Jimmy, we're here to discuss a negotiated buyout JS: I'm sorry to hear that. Let's take a look at the contract and...look at that! Looks like we're due the full contract amount. That will be fine for us. aggy: ok, but let's be reasonable. This hasn't really gone like we thought it would and now we need to hire a new coach. You can't realistically expect to hold us to that... JS: well, that's fair. I'm sure if you weren't ok with these terms you probably never sign...oh, but look! Look right here, fully signed by both parties. Extended even! aggy: ... JS: I think we're done here. Next time you have some bullshit to peddle, just set up a zoom. Always a pleasure doing "business" with you fine folks. I really mean that.
  17. If Lou is who would need to sell Jimbo out on lying to give aggy cause, Lou might become very wealthy soon. I bet Lou's loyalty will cost significantly less than Jimbo's buy out.
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