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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. The thought process of the wife. If you don't protest, you're agreeing to the 10% increase in perpetuity, and screwing the rest of your neighbors ability to bring down their appraisal value. No reason NOT to protest every year!
  2. CSB: Friend of mine used to work for one of the NBA squads. They'd get the interns and staff out once a week, fill up a small section, and film these clips. They'd show like 80% of the kiss cams live (or whatever the schtick), but they'd have the last one usually pre-filmed. Notice the tight camera angle during that one...
  3. They're better than the non-tabbed variant. Lift, then peel from one edge of the tab to the other. I find them successful 95% of the time.
  4. You clearly haven't been to CF in a while. You'll probably make friends quicker than you'll scare anyone off out there. Now, go to the cove across from Hula Hut and blast some good music, you'll get that attention you want there...
  5. Maybe the old 1940's stud finder, but the more modern ones don't. You know how I know?
  6. I had a friend who would pop these suckers in the back of the classroom in HS: https://www.amazon.com/Loftus-International-Stink-Bombs-Pack/dp/B0001JX9IU?th=1 Would definitely clear out the room.
  7. Primary residence went up 2% (but still capped almost 300K below the appraisal thanks to HS.) Rental A went up 22% (W Austin, outside city limits). Land value doubled from 2020 to 2022, structure value doubled from 2021 to 2023. House had an AC unit replacement, and carpet replacement between renters, and a few walls patched and painted, NOTHING really improved. Rental B went up 19.3% (S. Austin), zero improvements, minimal sales in the area to really benchmark their justifications, other than one closed duplex that was improved more than ours and sold for much lower than ours was valued at.
  8. I saw people do this a lot in my strip club days. Tons of bills would be on the floor and they would take their feet and just slide some back to them Those guys now head off your local IRS office. Some real go-getters with upper management written all over them!
  9. Driving around Thursday and Friday during the rain, and the amount of dumbasses in grey or dark cars that refuse to turn on their headlights is infuriating. I blame the electronic dashes. If they were old-school dials, they'd be wondering why they can't see a dang thing in the car, and realize they're morons and need their headlights.
  10. And this, ladies and gents, is how one makes a living in Morgantown.
  11. Shoot, he's setting up his tee time at Muni with his free sleeve of balls.
  12. Two way traffic in that aisle. If it was a one way, totally agree there. But two way...
  13. Don't care. 2 things can occur here: 1. Hyundai passenger opens car door as far as possible to get into car, dings Bronco. 2. Lexus driver arrives after Hyundai leaves, and parks like crap, getting uncomfortably close to Bronco. And we don't know what the parking job before looked like. Either way, Bronco is keeping their distance, and not double parking.
  14. No fault. Actually parked to distance themselves from the hyundai next to them, so that's a win in my book. Unless that's a Handicap spot...
  15. Austin Energy bill. Freaking fees and adjustments are just as much as the actual electricity cost. Spent 99 hours without power during the ice storm, and STILL payed more than last February due to cost increases and whatnot. Glad Jackie Sargent was forced to retire today.
  16. Looks like you've got a shop cleaner until he works his way up. That bathroom better shine like Mr. Clean's head!
  17. The lovely lady who insists on double parking her dually at daycare, and sitting in the parking lot on the phone for 20 minutes idling, all the while filling the playground with diesel fumes. I drove a diesel for 4 years, and knew DAMN well you can shut it down and restart it without causing detrimental damage. Also, the 360 and Courtyard stoplight. If you're heading east turning north, stay the hell in the left lane, leave the right lane for those turning south, as that light only goes green every other cycle. Quickest way to get me enraged!
  18. He was clearly testing out the headache rack.
  19. Man, taking a trip down the imgur wormhole...
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