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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. AM I the only one that sees the "imgbb.com image not found" pics on all of BDR's posts from the last week!?
  2. Heard rumors of snow in the near future, but after we clear that hurdle, pulling the boat out to the house, changing the oil, a cleaning and buffing, and she'll be making her way out on the water in the very near future!
  3. Your platform is an old lady with bone density issues?
  4. We're you trying to hit it from behind again?
  5. I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this, or if it's DIR screwing with the internet again. When people quote imgur posts, it comes back as a blank frame. Example: source: EDIT: Notice it's doing it for twitter, too...
  6. http://www.shaggytexas.com/board/ Your move.
  7. That's bullshit. I didn't hear one word about this at the change control meeting. Sounds like a CYA excuse to me!
  8. Gotta blur the d before posting it on twitter?
  9. Said it before and I'll say it again, how the fuck can you tell me a brand new truck is more or less dependable than another if it JUST CAME OUT?! Those awards are a complete joke.
  10. People who insist on using an email system as a file transfer system. You need to transfer 20+MB, use a damn FTP.
  11. You realize you're not taking off time for the baby, you're taking off time to help out your wife / gf. I spent 4 weeks keeping her sane while she took care of the baby. All the baby wants is his / her titty, then to sleep, then to crap. Mama needs to bitch at someone during this process, and you're it!
  12. Snot rocketing a bloody nose in the shower. Watching that giant wad of blood come out is one of the most elegant things...
  13. You've piqued my interest with this introduction, please accept my $9.95.
  14. Sheet, son, I had 6-8 weeks paid vacation, was back in the office after 4.
  15. PLEASE tell me you're not talking about when fitlump cos-played the blue girl at the KLBJ party...
  16. Here's a template for all their shows: First 5 minutes: "Recap of last week's show, and here's what's coming up on today's show." 5 minutes of some crap 1 minute before commercial: "Coming up after the break" 10 minutes of commercials After commercials: "Here's a recap of what happened before the break" - 1 minute 5 minutes of crap, coming up after the break... wash rinse, repeat.
  17. Perfect title for next month's article.
  18. Honestly, I've gotten some good advice here and on TOS, and just read up here and there online.
  19. https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/mycity/newport-news/adult-film-screened-on-garage-for-entire-neighborhood-leads-to-arrest/291-22a42187-7b29-4e04-8162-50c5b7ceb498 So which one of you did this?
  20. Good stuff! I really screwed the pooch on my last brew. Left too much in the bottom of the kettle / in the chiller, and forgot the yeast fuel and whirlfloc. Came out at 1.050, and the yeast really didn't blow the lid off like it usually does. Was dreading moving it last week, but moved it and took a measurement on 2/6, came out around 1.006, so I'm getting around 5.5% out of a complete f- up, so I'm not too sad. It's a hazy yellow rose clone, so we'll just call it a East Coast IPA. ETA: Wife just sent me this link, good read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/amazing-ways-artificial-intelligence-can-used-make-beer-bernard-marr/
  21. SIAP: Someone has created a new AI web-based application that takes what you draw, and cleans it up to how you meant to draw it. Kiss your productivity goodbye! http://seoi.net/penint/?fbclid=IwAR1x0Q-deP_ybBej3v374Sw_7HCvQvxi2q6n5DNwJyZZbAdsQDoky1Uzu9A @Thujone must be invested in it.
  22. I hear postal carriers have it pretty good these days.
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