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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. Good stuff! I really screwed the pooch on my last brew. Left too much in the bottom of the kettle / in the chiller, and forgot the yeast fuel and whirlfloc. Came out at 1.050, and the yeast really didn't blow the lid off like it usually does. Was dreading moving it last week, but moved it and took a measurement on 2/6, came out around 1.006, so I'm getting around 5.5% out of a complete f- up, so I'm not too sad. It's a hazy yellow rose clone, so we'll just call it a East Coast IPA. ETA: Wife just sent me this link, good read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/amazing-ways-artificial-intelligence-can-used-make-beer-bernard-marr/
  2. SIAP: Someone has created a new AI web-based application that takes what you draw, and cleans it up to how you meant to draw it. Kiss your productivity goodbye! http://seoi.net/penint/?fbclid=IwAR1x0Q-deP_ybBej3v374Sw_7HCvQvxi2q6n5DNwJyZZbAdsQDoky1Uzu9A @Thujone must be invested in it.
  3. I hear postal carriers have it pretty good these days.
  4. Funny, the post on facebook seems to be gone. Might indeed be true.
  5. Key word there: WAS. From what she told me, they now do half-priced beers on Thursday, and don't carry any SL.
  6. I was just coming over to ask this. Wife and I were talking about this last night. Her coworkers were talking about how Hat Creek stopped selling their beers, and the brewery doesn't seem to have large crowds like they used to. I'd guess they're not long for the world. Someone needs to answer back with "it's brewed with rice".
  7. Yeah, you're going to need to work on your image hosting setup...
  8. You're really tempting me to have the "Ankle Bracelet redux" thread.
  9. You know, the thing millennials swap their man card for.
  10. Man, takes balls trying to sneak your side piece past your kids room into the basement without your wife knowing.
  11. Everyone knows aggy is partial to sheep, not goats. Toby Keith has the monopoly on goat fucking up there near Norman.
  12. So, is Mitch just trying to doxx every surly divorce lawyer in this thread? I bet his PMs look like my mailbox after I got a speeding ticket.
  13. You should check out the 2019 thread...
  14. On that note, finished up my first brew since pre-Pville-Dad stage. Did the Yellow Rose clone, 13ish lbs of Belgian Pilsen, 1 oz bittering hops, 1.5 oz flavor hops, 1.5 oz aroma. 1.050 OG. To address the absolute miss on the OG. Went into AHB for the first time in 6 months to get materials (got CO2 there not long ago, but didn't spy on the grain room), and they got rid of the big mill. Used the small mill, and figured a 15 lb bag should have been more than sufficient for a 13 lb grain bill, but alas, I screwed the pooch on that one. Filled the 15 lb bag to the brim with about 12 lbs of grain, no room to close. Killed the mill, got a second bag, and with a little spillage, finished. 15 lb bag (which used to fit 12 lbs before) now fits about 8-9 lbs with room to seal. That, on top of leaving the entire counterflow chiller full of wort, and experimenting with a hybrid fly / batch sparge, left me with a light OG. Lessons learned for next time.
  15. Ha. I used the faucet adapter (like $2 at Austin Homebrew IIRC) at first, but have graduated to using a hose spigot. I wouldn't waste electricity pumping chilling water, honestly.
  16. Well, the fun part about being a dad, the bills are finally rolling in from the November incident.
  17. Moved.over to Oscar Blues. Jai alai, Pinner, G'Night red IPA, and Can O' Bliss. Daughter is done!
  18. Trying that trip of IPAs. But the east coast is borked, so I have pineapple max, resilience, citrus grandis, and an uncle Billy's Green Door.
  19. Coffee talk in the surly thread makes me surly.
  20. Might be time to trade in the Crownie... https://austin.craigslist.org/boa/d/austin-lifeboat-boat-2009-enclosed/6791785924.html
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