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Ted Lange

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Everything posted by Ted Lange

  1. Each season has been 8 episodes, if that holds, 2 more left.
  2. Last night I thought a couple of times about how much fun the episode would’ve been with Logan still around.
  3. Agree, hard to believe they'd devote 2 episodes and so many storylines to a dream sequence. Speaking of Sally, she is just awful, I always want to fast forward thru her scenes but am afraid I'd miss something. I did enjoy this week more than the previous episode. I assume the guy that attacked Sally and rammed the house, the guy from the restaurant she worked at? What a bizarre scene.
  4. Need upgrades to Xhaka and Partey and about 4 guys Arteta can rotate in.
  5. They were in first because they had played more matches than City. City is clearly the best team in the league, by a healthy margin.
  6. Just an embarrassing performance today. Pure shit.
  7. And that will do it. What an absolute shit performance.
  8. Well shit. What a bleh performance so far from Arsenal.
  9. Btw, anyone check the prices on any of the Arsenal matches in the US this summer? Cheapest tickets are like $250 for nose bleeds. Who,the F pays that for a preseason match. Surely they become more reasonable.
  10. Three gay characters! It’s WOKE. ITS LIKE A DEI hr video now! GTFO Now anytime a show that talks about an equality or racism, the mouth breathers scream WOKE. And then Go shoot up bud light cans. They are the real snowflakes. For those complaining about the lack of realism, well nothing is more real then the EPL addressing racism. They have large campaigns on it, players take a knee prior to games. There are regular issues across europe with racist fans. But Tv show bringing this up? IT IS WOKE! Moronic.
  11. Not Odegards best performance thus far.
  12. That chick, Candace Owens
  13. Notts draw level in the 89th minute.
  14. Correct, it seemed pretty obvious.
  15. Also, JamesWoods, Devin Nunez, Joe Rogan, Dan Bonzingo, Ben Shapiro, ZeroHedge, Piers Morgan, Jack Posobiec, Candace Owens, Rudy, Dan Crenshaw, Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Charlie Kirk, Hershel Walker, Dinesh D, Dr Oz….
  16. Can’t believe there are only 3 episodes left. Gonna really miss this if they are done.
  17. I miss when this show was funny. It’s no longer a dark comedy it’s just dark. I think I’ve laughed maybe once all season and that last episode was just weird.
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