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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. Absolutely I see that as the main reason. Just seeing the State of Emergency in Japan made me wonder if any players would drop out due to it, especially if not vaccinated. The it hit me that they probably are required to be vaccinated for international competition and anyone who isn't wouldn't be allowed to be on the team. It really is amazing that a league as socially conscience as the NBA hasn't had players front and center promoting the vaccine. Think about how influential it would be for Lebron to video himself getting the shot on his twitter. I bet over a million people across the world would follow suit. Instead, his coyness (he's not alone) on the issue leads one to believe he isn't vaccinated. Make me wonder if the players have an agreement that vaccinated players will not promote the vaccine as it would indirectly shame those who haven't promoted.
  2. Most haven't said one way or the other, which is strange because they could really do a lot to promote it.
  3. You really have to hand it to China on how they handled this. Less than 5,000 deaths. Incredible.
  4. Obviously a number of top guys aren't playing on the team, and there has been criticism of the roster (Love). After seeing today that Japan is in a State of Emergency, I wondered....are the participants required to be vaccinated? Is that what turned a number of players away?
  5. The others in this equation should be vaccinated. If not, that's their problem.
  6. Kids. Camp. It’s going to happen. I’m sending mine to camp for two weeks this Sunday (assuming they are negative tomorrow).
  7. From 1995 to 2000, he made $7 million for Batman, $7 million for The Saint, $6 million for Moreau, $9 million for At First Sight, $10 million Red Planet. This doesn't include what he made for Heat, Ghost and Darkness, Prince of Egypt and others. This was the time frame where he bought the ranch.
  8. Most of the mocks have Leiter going to Texas at #2. Hope so. Closest to a sure thing in the draft. https://www.mlb.com/news/mlb-mock-draft-top-10-picks-july-7-2021?t=mlb-pipeline-coverage
  9. I'm excited but can't remember jack shit from last season.
  10. What I'm saying is these mutations will happen in other parts of the world - like they have been - even if we reach 100% here. We don't live in a vacuum.
  11. Of course not. IMO, its not really a good selling point to convince anyone to get vaccinated either. There are clearly plenty of selling points for the vaccine, though.
  12. Which is going to happen whether the US reaches 100% vaccination levels or not. Mutations, that is. Not necessarily forms that get past the current vaccines.
  13. Worse. He claimed responsibility for the cost of potato chips being down 1%.
  14. Per Wiki, Bernthal is playing Tony's father Giovanni "Johnny Boy" Soprano.
  15. Over over over. Anyone who knows these teams knows it’s over.
  16. If Vandy wants to win, they have to make the 1st or 2nd inning rough on Bednar. A 20+ pitch 1st inning could wear him down with just 3 days rest and affect the rest of his outing. Of course they did the exact opposite last night with Harding. Swung early and often and gave him easy innings. I'm not sure he was even at 20 pitches after 2 innings. Something as simple as walking Bradfield to start the game could be enough to affect his first inning and the whole outing.
  17. Line has completely flipped to MSU -130, which makes more sense.
  18. FWIW, the line is MSU +140, Vandy -160 which seems crazy. Edit, dropped to +110/-130
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