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Uncle Nate

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Everything posted by Uncle Nate

  1. Not if you have already established control and crossed the plane. Which he did. He didn’t lose the ball until after he hit the ground out of bounds well after. He has control and made a football move and crosses the plane.
  2. He has control. He was in bounds. He crossed the plane of the goal line after controlling the ball. Ball didn’t pop out until AFTER he hit th ground out of bounds. Which was well after he had control and crosses the plane of the goal line. That was a catch and a TD.
  3. Not enough. Not near enough.
  4. He had control with foot in bounds. It popped out after he hit ground and well after he crossed the plane of the goal line.
  5. How the fuck is that incomplete?? Fuck you Big 12. Fuck you.
  6. I like an old fashion. But that’s a lot of work. And sugar.
  7. Crown Black on the rock. One cube. One cube only please.
  8. Tech O is inept and led by Dumb and Dumber OC. We will be the cure that ails UT football next week.
  9. When you jam it into reverse at that speed, it’s going to cause some damage.
  10. Oh I had already blotted the other ones, said on his behalf this past week, mostly by aggies. Examples: This is out of character for him. Hes such a nice guy. He didn’t start it etc
  11. Checking my PR bingo card. Race card. Check. BINGO! Send me the cash. Thanks.
  12. Time to get this thread back on course. Fuck Baylor. Beat the ever loving rape out of those fuckers.
  13. Either she's not from Arkansas, or somehow modern dentistry has finally made it to the Ozarks.
  14. You know, this thread is proof that Cap's strategery is working. Would we have a 6-page thread about any other QB who failed out of the NFL?
  15. What makes a girl a heroine? I mean does she have to be Wonder Woman or Supergirl? Or just that fact she’s willing to let me try her makes her a heroine? Sorry. I hate to be the grammar nazi douchebag. Couldn’t resist.
  16. I didn't support Kap at first because it came after he read the tea leaves on his starting status and his free agency options. I felt like he wasn't doing it for the "cause", but rather to deflect attention from the fact that he was sucking as a QB (relatively speaking) and wasn't going to be getting the new contract he thought he was. So I felt from the get-go it was a sham protest and not sincere. I may be wrong, but I still feel that way. He didn't get "woke" until his career was starting to not look so great.
  17. And trust me, I'm loving our basketball (and baseball) success. Playing for a national championship is fun.
  18. Pretty fucking dumb by the Lions to go for two there. 1 would bring them to within 7. Being a Dallas fan, I’m ok with their stupidity.
  19. Jason Garret seems less like a coach and more just a person attending and watching the game like every fan sitting in the stands.
  20. This is a game against evil. Pure evil. You guys need to find a way to win no matter what. Baylor needs to be taken back down to where they belong. Still pisses me off they’ve experienced success after all that shit.
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