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Everything posted by TreatyOak

  1. Just when I thought things couldn't get any less promising, I see this abomination. Opening-game record of HS teams featured on a DCTF Special Commemorative Edition: 0-13. Average margin of loss: 46 points.
  2. Has anyone checked up on @shadow_operative to make sure he's okay? Good news about Sam usually really upsets him.
  3. Thanks so much for doing what you do. If someone is going to take down down Westlake, this is the year.
  4. Thanks. In all seriousness, I predict our state championship string ends this year due to QB play.
  5. I don’t give Westlake much of a chance in this game. Ridge Point comes in hungry, while Westlake wasted yet another offseason. We’re undersized, disorganized and divided, with most of the coaches, players and families having ignored the offseason preparation required for success. We may keep it close early due to a lucky turnover, but I see Ridge Point coasting to a huge; decisive win along the lines of 56 to 10.
  6. Haha. Top pic is my hand. Do you like my new nail color? I think teal is fire.
  7. We beat Southlake in that game. He played a pretty amazing game, though.
  8. Thanks for the clarification. Thank heavens he was only trying to pull a girl's shirt down in public, plus he was drunk so it's okay. I thought he had done something bad.
  9. It was. Zeke was never on camera with anything. In fact, there was evidence of texts that his scorned ex set the whole thing up for him to take a fall. Ehh, Zeke was caught on camera groping a woman at a huge outdoor event, while he was on-stage. It was one of the reasons he was suspended. Doesn’t sound like he is a very upstanding citizen.
  10. Thanks for all the votes for 80's Jennifer Connelly. She's just what we need for the world today.
  11. This thread is getting way better. 80's Jennifer is the clear winner.
  12. Since this thread is kinda depressing, let's discuss the only competition I care about: who will be the featured star of my 2022 CFB gratuitous Surly posts. Finalists below: #1. Returning champion, South American Inna Moll is very intelligent and can speak several languages. We won't hold that against her. #2: Twenty Something Star Abbey Humphreys is making a surprisingly strong run for the title. Aside from currently living in Austin, she scores major Surly points for being, well, a little crazy. #3: In a tribute to the classics, 80's Jennifer Connelly is our third finalist. Since many younger Surly posters are only familiar with 2020's Jennifer, choosing 1980's Jennifer would serve as educational to how incredibly hot she truly was. So #1 Inna, #2 Abbey or #3 Jennifer? Your vote can make a difference in the lives of Surly posters and help them get through what promises to be another miserable season.
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