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Everything posted by TreatyOak

  1. 100% real: https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3329627
  2. I see you have not attended too many games vs San Antonio teams.
  3. Longhorn94 is LT. I have had and still have lots of clients who are LT. So are my business partners. We talk good shit with each other. LT parents are pretty cool.
  4. Oh my god. Sounds familiar. When my older daughter played VB against DS middle school, there were DS parents and grandparents in the stands screaming shit every time our players served. It was pathetic.
  5. It was a really great performance against a great QB. However, as I have written here previously, this result tells me we probably won’t four-peat. State champs win these games 44-10. Props for DS for really playing it tough.
  6. We have had some “coaches gone wild” encounters w Dripping in Pop Warner. Their coaches (dads w dreams) were really angry after the game, claiming our Westlake team was running up the score at the end. This happened after the same DS dads had run up the score against our B team, lol. As a family involved in Westlake athletics, I can say that the students from all schools we encounter are mostly great. It’s the parents who embarrass themselves with ridiculous antics. (And we have our share, trust me)
  7. That, my old friend, is 1980’s Jennifer Connelly. She is the official Surly meme girl, as voted by the good people who follow this site. Sadly, I believe she had breast reduction surgery at some point in the 90’s.
  8. This might be my favorite Aggy season ever. True, they may not lose more than four or five games, but they had such high expectations. It makes the losses so much sweeter.
  9. This is the worst tradition in sports. The country is finally waking up to how terrible it truly is. What normal person could listening to this?
  10. If we can four-peat this year, I’ll paint my body that color. I don’t think we will do it, though, as there are some really tough teams. Win streak is now at 45 games. I do wish the Horns were as well coached as Westlake.
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