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Everything posted by TreatyOak

  1. Expect a lot more with this picture. A lot more.
  2. Hahha, did not know you did this. That’s hilarious. When I watch his press conferences, I try to view them from the point-of-view of the press, so it’s fun to hear the reality from someone in the profession.
  3. Like I'm not going to fun with this image.
  4. I absolutely love Jimbo’s press conferences following a loss. They are quite enjoyable. I love how he starts w his pointless, stupid recap of the game. Does he think that if he recaps the game (that everyone else watched, as well) that we will somehow think he is smart and observant? Does he do it just to burn time in the presser to make the time for questions shorter? I also love how he takes responsibility, then proceeds to throw every player under the bus. It’s always their fault for not executing, never his fault for having a bad game plan or not teaching them how to block, tackle, and run his stupid offense. I also miss Herman’s moronic press conferences following a loss. Listening to him drone on about his BS was fun.
  5. I don’t know how anyone could be worse but our intelligence experts made the claim. That alone is frightening.
  6. I appreciate what you do. Also, if you referee any upcoming Westlake playoff games in San Antonio, let me know. I'm $ure we can make the experience very rewarding for you.
  7. Where does he strike? Territories he just liberated via decree full of Russians wanting to be Russian? Territories Ukrain just retook? Crimea? Kyiv? Where does he strike that's generates any positive? (Yes I'm aware that Putin acts against any best interest ) Some analysts have pointed out that the threat of nuclear weapons is far more effective than the actual use of them. A tactical nuclear weapon would create a crisis greater than anything we’ve ever seen but wouldn’t create a victory for Putin. It could also affect his own soldiers and civilians, but we now know he doesn’t really care about anyone except for himself. Another scenario that has been mentioned is that the Russians attack one of the nuclear plants in Ukraine. Since he is so similar to Hitler, he could share the same “everyone needs to die now” mentality that Hitler tried to pull on his own people at the last stages of the war. I sure hope there is a way out of this that works for the people of Ukraine and the West but I have my doubts.
  8. The problem is as bad as Putin is, the hardliner who may follow him could be worse.
  9. UPSET ALERT: Just as Del Valle was looking like they were going to pull off the upset of the season, two junior partners from Thomas J Henry “reset” the score to 73-7. Del Valle officials and coaches were screaming, but a conference call with UIL officials confirmed the the score update. It was a teachable moment for all, as Del Valle players learned that life isn’t always fair.
  10. According to Western reports, the conscripts do serve a function. They are sent forward to assault Ukrainian positions. When the Ukrainians fire on the conscripts, they reveal their positions to Russian artillery. It's horrific, but it's a time-honored Russian tactic.
  11. Pussies from Westlake who are afraid to face Yes, but in a huge upset, 1-4 Del Valle is winning 42-21 over Westlake.
  12. No idea how much risk he put himself at, and it may have just been an unfortunate accident, but when you are a parent, (as he was) you have to be smart about what activities you choose to participate in. You are responsible for other people.
  13. Were they irrelevant last year when they lost to North Shore in the state semifinals? They also made it to that game three years ago so your post mortem may be somewhat premature. it hasn’t helped that they are without their starting QB this entire season, but so are our beloved Chaps. They will be back. I agree about Dripping Springs. I stated in this thread before the season that they could beat Westlake. Don’t be surprised if they do.
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