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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by nnm

  1. 11 hours ago, General Specific said:

    It’s like some on here have not lived in Houston.


    Zipper when merging traffic due to construction. Sure, we get it...play nice.


    However, it’s another thing all together when hitting an exit ramp with traffic. Nice people finish last! There is always a Prius, or a blue hair, or a texter not paying attention....yup, open space!!!1!


    If internet traffic zippered, we would get nowhere fast!

    Or the entrance ramps on the Katy Freeway. You can calmly wait in the entrance line for 10 minutes, inching forward. Which I usually do.
    Or, if you’re in a hurry, you can stay a lane outside, and spot that opening right before the ramp, which I understand that a friend does occasionally. There’s always that blue hair or Prius or texter that will create that opening right before the ramp. 

  2. 34 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    On his way to haul rubber dog shit to Hong Kong.

    Naw man, he just joined a cult, knocked a girl up, jumped around on a couch, and then became a spy. 

    Edit:  now the iceman?  He really let himself go when he got out of the service. spacer.png

  3. 1 hour ago, Angry Gorilla said:

    We have a 9 month girl and at her latest doctor's appt the doctor recommended introducing more real food.


    Her:  I made scrambled eggs for her, but I found a list online and it said eggs are dangerous to give babies until it's determined they aren't allergic.  Should we give her some?
    Me:  No, you just said it's dangerous.  
    Her:  But what will she eat for breakfast?

    In her mind, the baby who has had nothing but formula and baby food is going to throw a fit if she isn't served traditional breakfast food in the morning.

    Oh my word.  You don't need to wait on an allergist to give you the green light to give your baby some eggs.  Give that little girl some eggs.  If she gets sick, she's allergic.  If she doesn't, you're good to go.  For goodness sake, people have been giving their children eggs for thousands of years.  Do we really need to do an allergy screen on every food type now before we feed our babies?!?


    /edit/ probably could have posted this rant in the "trivial things that make you surly" thread.

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  4. Just now, longhornmatt said:

    Recruit: Coach, I’m having a real hard time deciding between Texas A&M and Ohio State.  Why should I be a Buckeye?

    Ryan Day:  Son, you haven’t heard about your reward for being a Buckeye, have you?

    Recruit: No, coach, I haven’t.  Is it a little extra cash?  A car?

    Ryan Day:  Even better.  You see these lovely coeds we have helping on the recruiting visits?  How would you like it if I told you that, any time you want, one of them will come to your room ...

    Recruit:  Ugh, I don’t like where this is headed.  Coach, thank you for your time recruiting me, but I really think I like what A&M has to offer more ...

    Ryan Day: No, no, no.  Just let me finish.  There’s more to it.  She will come to your room, AND THEN you will get to watch the entire defensive line just go to town on her in your bed.  You can just marinate in all the cocks and balls, and man musk - it’s like bringing the locker room smell home with you!  God, to be young again.  And you know, if you want, you can get some sloppy seconds and roll around in those juices.  You can do anything you want, you know, as long as there are other dudes involved. 

    Recruit:  Ok, now you’re speaking my language!  I’m going to be a Buckeye.

    Literally the AB-era BU recruiting pitch.  And TapeFingers continues to fail upwards, ended up as OC at Pig.  

  5. 35 minutes ago, Jameslaw121 said:

    Well, the questions were about our 9 month old having a runny nose and if she was okay. Her mom is a doctor. One her best friends is a nurse. I majored in fucking music. My 5 answers were literally. I don't know, but I bet your mom or your friends have phones...

    (In my head, I was thinking. You already talk to them about 2 hours a day anyway. Maybe slip this question into that god damn conversation and let me finish my fucking book)

    Username definitely checking out.  Music major went to law school so he could earn a living, and has his nose in a book.

    (Coming from a poli sci/history major, who also went to law school so I could pay the bills, and frequently have my own nose in a book).

  6. 2 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    We have one of these that I was instructed to use after I shower, and I do because it helps keep the glass clean.  Most of the time when I go in the bathroom after she has showered, nope.  Not used.


    Most people use a towel. Are you showering with S Austin’s mom?

  7. 1 hour ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    You forgot the qualifier "actually a pretty nice place." If there is a bigger shithole in the state of Texas than the Dixie Chicken, I don't know what it would be.

    Have you been to 6th street lately?

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