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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. Nah all good. My point that flew over his head is we can have 100% of our population vaccinated, but a mutation can happen elsewhere in the world and we are right back here like we are with Delta. I don’t give a shit about y’alls argument over the border and immigration. Hook ‘em.
  2. Link from a few days ago if anyone is interested but I’m pretty sure I pulled the only meaningful data. Hopefully they will start updating regularly again. The last one was 2 months ago. They used to do it twice a week. Everyone got caught with their pants down on this. https://www.cctexas.com/detail/covid-19-update
  3. No, I told him why he was negging me but I was polite and phrased it as a question. So I’ll do you the same courtesy, is it an immigration/border policy issue if the virus is mutating in other parts of the world and we allow international air travel?
  4. Either my sarcasm meter is broken or you are a fucking idoit for that takeaway from my posts. Congrats.
  5. Meant to add that I watched the YouTube video that accompanied the numbers in my previous post and the Nueces county official stated that over 95% of our hospitalizations were unvaxxed. @GreenspointTexas @Bevo since we are around 60% vaxxed for our total population that’s really, really good obviously.
  6. I’m spitballing here, but I think that case number is WAY low so it’s probably not nearly as bad as it looks. A ton of people have it and either aren’t getting tested or don’t even realize they have it. We are going to find out that the vaccine efficacy is closer to 60Ish% for Delta in a few weeks. To my untrained eye it’s looking like the vaccine is working really well preventing death and hospitalization.
  7. So I did look this one up. It’s actually @15%.
  8. This is kind of where I was going. Thank you. I think. “Them” is roughly 35% of our population. 70ish% of those are Republicans. 100% are idiots. Forgive me for not looking up the real numbers. Regardless the other real problem we have is the rest of the world which I think is a little less than 10% vaccinated. I haven’t heard any talk of shutting our borders down, so here we are. Y’all scream at political parties all you like.
  9. Yeah I know. I guess I’m going for the perfect world where there is one message that gets out to the public. So I guess I’d like to be more like N. Korea is what I’m advocating for 🤪😂
  10. Oh I’ve already gotten it from some t-shirt fans down here. They are looking forward to doing it. It’s gonna happen. You met one of them lol
  11. We are still a year away from having even comparable facilities to most big12 teams, much less the SEC. The fact that we are being out recruited by everyone shouldn’t be shocking. Oh, and we’ve sucked for 10 years. surprise!?!
  12. To be clear @WhatTheBuckyou are negging me because you think the vaccine issue should be a political one?
  13. Where in your rambling bullshit did you convince yourself that my mom voted forTrump? Next time read what you are responding to. Also have fun in the big10.
  14. I guess I wasn’t clear. I’m “yelling” at everyone. Mostly the dumbasses in the Republican base. But that back and forth accomplishes nothing. instead of tweets like that maybe beat them over the head with the science. I mean I know that won’t actually work but let’s try something other than what we are doing which isn’t working?
  15. Oh I get what forum I am posting in and I didn’t mean everyone needs to stop the political nonsense on this thread. But framing the vax/no vax around political ideology is what got us here and it needs to stop. I’m not sure how much more I can dumb it down for you to understand it.
  16. Nope. Nobody like my mom who is a docent for Haven For Hope in San Antonio. You are part of the problem. Your failure to identify good from the bad because of your politics should exclude you from any conversation going forward. Don’t you have a big10 board to go post on?
  17. Jesus fuck. Stop making this political. Please? We are just a website and can’t do a lot but the national conversation has to change. my entire family, and extended family is vaxxed. We run the gamut on the political spectrum. Just stop. The more people make it about a political choice the more the fucking idiots will dig in their heels. i mean I kind of agree that it’s great fun to laugh at the idiots but in the meantime we are losing the war. The last laugh on this doesn’t look that good.
  18. Also I posted this on the vaccine thread. Numbers aren’t updated which is why they don’t add up but it seems like it really doesn’t matter which vaccine you had. Nueces county gave more Moderna shots. Really wish they would give a time frame but it’s a start to better data Vaccine Breakthrough Cases in Nueces County (217 cases) • # hospitalized – 25 • #deaths–4 Vaccine Status: Moderna 78 Pfizer 57 J&J 30 Unknown 01 Time Infected: 25 to 54 days after last vaccine
  19. Well, just anecdotal as per usual but I now know a bunch of vaxxed people that have it. Nobody is very sick though so that’s good, but I am guessing the vaccine is nowhere near the 95% effectiveness threshold that it was before delta. More ammo for the anti-vax people who will also continue to ignore the fact that it’s still really good at keeping you out of the hospital or dying. Can this please be our last round of this shit?
  20. And to be clear nobody is SICK sick. It’s more like bad allergies or a cold. But they are all testing positive. Most are vaxxed. I’m starting to feel bad because I had allergy symptoms all week that I was attributing to the Saharan dust that I get every year. Now I’m not so sure.
  21. All the places here have been having staffing issues this summer, but this is all definitely Covid lately. Buckle up. Maybe NPI had a wave or 2 back when we just didn’t have one. Hope that’s the case for y’all because I know a ton of people that are sick right now.
  22. Castaway’s just announced they are closed till further notice due to Covid.
  23. Nueces County is finally starting to put out some worthwhile data. It’s not much but it’s a start. Vaccine Breakthrough Cases in Nueces County (217 cases) • # hospitalized – 25 • #deaths–4 Vaccine Status: Moderna 78 Pfizer 57 J&J 30 Unknown 01 Time Infected: 25 to 54 days after last vaccine
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