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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. This is correct. @Lobois likely right, they just haven’t sold much more than half of them yet. In the meantime there is no way to buy the unsold seats there as single game tickets, and they will never be available as single game tickets, so they will continue to be 1/4 to 2/3 full and piss Surly off.
  2. I looked, and you can’t seem to get those seats without contacting the LHF directly. They definitely aren’t for sale to the general public as a box office ticket. They are listed at 500 and up on Stubhub so I guess you get access to the field level club. That wasn’t the issue. Those seats just aren’t sold yet. We built a bad ass new addition to our stadium and we have people complaining about empty seats on their TV in an end zone view. Fuck.
  3. Well it’s not like we can just move those seats somewhere else. I’m not sure what you want them to do here. It’s new seating and apparently it’s (maybe) attached to a club. The game wasn’t sold out. Short of picking up the end zone and plopping it down on a sideline, what’s your solution here? Ive been sitting off and on in the east side club seats for years. Yes, people hang out in the club but they actually come out and watch the game, too. There was something else going on and the more I think about it I’m pretty sure those tickets just weren’t sold. There were plenty of empty seats in the corners of the stadium especially in the upper decks but you just don’t see them on tv. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you.
  4. That was my other thought. A lot of those chair seats aren’t sold yet.
  5. Wait what seats are y’all talking about? The chair backs below the horns in the Longhorn? @SydneyCartonis there a 2nd club below the one you have access to? Because the pictures I saw of the upper club weren’t crowded and it’s not that big. I don’t think that’s where the people missing from their seats were.
  6. Why is this thread in CR? Oh. Also lmao at agnostic. That’s a new one, congrats. Imma start using that one when I question someone who is not vaccinated if you don’t mind. Oh, you’re agnostic? Yeah that’s why I didn’t buy car insurance either.
  7. Eh, I don’t think he’s wrong and I didn’t get the impression he had serious safety concerns about a booster. I think you are reading into that. also, why in the fuck am I getting ads at the bottom of the page for Kendra Scott?
  8. Wasn’t there but I heard the Eyes pre-game was really loud, especially the student section. I’m not sure what anyone was expecting between the heat and Covid, which is why I didn’t go. It’s a clusterfuck in normal years and why I have skipped about half our games recently. Oh, and the fact that we have sucked plays a part I guess.
  9. So that first picture actually has a another row of seating behind it, and then the club is behind that. All said, it was a hit other than you are in the end zone. The third picture would be looking up from the seats towards the club. I’m sure I will be able to throw a coke on Sydney and ctj one of these days.
  10. I wasn’t there, but got these pics sent to me from the aligned end zone with the messed up goal posts.
  11. Yeah Riley won’t ever be able to scheme better than that. Otherwise yeah, agreed. That was a good win against a well coached team and overall I was extremely happy with how it went. If we can clean up the OL issues we are in great shape.
  12. Don’t really have a problem with this but I’m not sure why we need to prohibit it either. We don’t have the infrastructure in place to do it properly, we don’t have the will to do it properly, and I’m not sure it would ever work in the U.S. basically it’s a waste of money.
  13. So maybe I’ve missed it, but shockingly few people have tested positive, and nobody got a “surprise” positive. Has anyone tested negative that had a previous lab confirmed case?
  14. Damn. The more I watch that the more amazing it is. You don’t want your neighbors roof blowing off and landing on your roof and you don’t want their whole house breaking loose and running into yours. There was almost none of that. the sections or blocks that got obliterated are maybe small tornadoes. At least that’s what we decided after Harvey. Hall my block was blown to pieces. 2 houses had standing back walls but the front was literally gone. The other houses on the street only had flood damage, or damage from the debris flying off a neighbors house. My house was fine until the neighbors roof decided to say fuck it I’m outta here.
  15. They didn’t have the surge. I know the weather channel,was saying possible 12 foot or more but this storm was fairly small and didn’t sit out in the gulf as a cat5. Got really, really lucky. On the other hand I know a bunch of those houses that look ok actually are very fucked up.
  16. Yeah. His wife was on the boat and watched it happen. I’m not going to give anymore details, but it was nightmare fuel.
  17. Not exactly sure where you are going with this, but I taught my golden retriever to sit, shake, and lay down in about 5 minutes. In minute 6 as soon as I so much as looked at him he would sit, then shake, then lay down before I could even say a word. He was an asshole, too.
  18. Local rats had a hell of a hurricane after party. it was crazy. Roof gone, all the walls gone but the shelves were fairly intact and well over half the bottles were fine.
  19. I mean yeah he’s right it could happen I guess. Rita had like 50 foot waves and multiple floaters broke loose. I think one did capsize. But this storm didn’t have nearly that amount of punch.
  20. But still wouldn’t capsize. Thunderhorse had a structural failure.
  21. They finally changed the rules again sometime in July. You can call and get appointments now like you used to be able to do.
  22. Saturday a guy dove in the water off a boat, hit his head and broke his neck. EMS came to Fisherman’s Wharf but no bueno. Sunday a guy jumped in behind a boat to retrieve an anchor while the boat was still in gear. basically chopped him in half. EMS came…. You get the picture. No idea if either was alcohol related but it’s yet another reminder to be careful down here whether you are on the beach or on a boat.
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