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Everything posted by Hermanator

  1. Ha Wyoming coach waiving the white flag on the first play. Doesn't want to ruin his QB in a non con against a juggernaut
  2. The bama schlubs are going to be lighting up Finebaum this week. "I TOL U PAWW!!"
  3. They're letting us beat them twice Saban shouldn't have switched QBs. Milroe can be very good if he gets experience and learns. Look at how Ewers looked for a lot of last year and how he's looked now. QBs need experience to grow. Alabama's defense is still really good and we were a dropped Worthy TD and a dropped Brooks TD from hanging 40+ on them.
  4. It debuted in 2011 right when we had started 13 years of suck. Now as soon as it's going away we walk into Alabama and dominate them. It was a curse and now it's broken.
  5. It was on the road so was going to be tougher but this day has had some upsets and close games that were expected to be blowouts. We better come ready because it's in the air.
  6. If that ball bounces back off the FSU punt returner's leg instead of bouncing out of bounds this game might be over. What a huge mistake he got away with
  7. Refs gathered and said fuck it we ain't getting paid by the hour.
  8. Wow Missouri. How do you delay of game there dumb asses. Every time I see their receiver Wease I think of this
  9. KSU's defense can't handle our receivers. If the line does well and Ewers isn't shit they should torch these guys. Sanders, Worthy, and Mitchell alone too much.
  10. They timed that perfectly to not have to snap it on 4th down. Barely made it
  11. ISU wow. That's flat out pathetic. Baylor, ISU already getting ready for their G5 status after this year. We better run through these shit teams
  12. Castellanos taking it to that FSU defense early. Where's Thom Brennaman?
  13. Mild calf sprain. If this was Bama today or a conference title game/playoff he would most likely play. Since Wyoming at home word is he's out and will reevaluate during the week for Baylor next week.
  14. Colorado State got smote by Washington State 2 weeks ago. Only way this is close or they win is if Colorado is sucking each other's dicks thinking they're better than they are.
  15. Oh definitely there's a history to it. In the NFL you had Buddy Ryan versus Jimmy Johnson and a bunch of others as well. But to be honest I never liked those and I don't like this either. It's just not my thing. If I want theatrics I'll watch movies or pro wrestling. I watch football to actually watch the damn football not to hear a bunch of idiots run their mouth. The game is the greatest on Earth and a true fan of the game doesn't need extracurricular bullshit to enjoy it. Spurrier and Bosworth and Buddy Ryan were all just as big of buffoons as Deion is, and they eventually went by the wayside when they stopped winning. The only thing that matters in this sport is winning.
  16. Deion making college football into professional wrestling. I don't care for all the theatrics and nonsense as I just want to see the battle on the field. But I don't really care if he does it since it seems a lot of people do like it. The problem with this approach is in professional wrestling Vince McMahon can snap his fingers and cause the heel getting this kind of heat to have a massive winning streak to keep the heat on. In real life sports you gotta keep winning to keep the attention. Just ask Conor McGregor. Once Deion goes on a losing streak most people won't care anymore. He's an oddity at the moment.
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