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Posts posted by Landomatic

  1. 15 hours ago, Texzilla58 said:

    There were 93000 at the game yesterday. Maybe 10%-15% were Niner fans, not unexpected with the number of Cali refugees moving here. As far as making tix affordable, that is a concept that left pro sports years ago. The 30000 SRO tix at $30 are a great bargain that doesn’t exist in many other venues.

    When was the last time you actually went to an NFL game? All NFL games these days will attract several thousand folks for the visiting team and Dallas always pulls great at any city. Did you not see Steeler fans at KC? Raiders fans at Cincy.?

    More prevalent now as unused corporate tix get sold online instead of given to lower level employees if execs don’t use.


    13 hours ago, DanTheHorn said:

    Bullshit that seemed more like 55% Niner fans. I have pictures.

    I'd say it was somewhere between 25% and 35% niner fans. There were a lot, but nowhere near majority SF fans and they didn't even come close to having a home field advantage from a noise standpoint. And as has been discussed, welcome to NFL 2022.

    And I wouldn't waste any more time arguing with that dumbass @Hook1997 if I were you. He already got owned in the game thread so you'd think he would have learned something. But given his clear lack of intellect, I guess it's not surprising he's tripling down on stupid in another thread. Waste of server space.

  2. 8 hours ago, Hook1997 said:

    You said most popular in the World and by far?  Are you changing that to just NFL now cause that wasn’t close to true?

    So, you can't even read and you think you can talk with the grownups? Here's what I said...

    9 hours ago, Landomatic said:

    Haha not even close. The Cowboys are the most popular team in the world, in any sport. aggy…not so much. Sadly, Longhorn fans would have been a much better analogy.

    I base that on Forbes value, which I linked here for you...

    9 hours ago, Landomatic said:

    I’ll take Forbes value as an indicator of popularity over google searches all day.


    You know...real, current numbers based in fact. Not internet polls and old op-ed pieces (one you linked below is over 10 years old and both are one writer's opinion)...

    9 hours ago, Hook1997 said:


    There’s plenty of list with Cowboys fans being top ten worst fans overall….  Just look at Facebook after they win three games in a row any year, it’s “this is our year”. Cowboys run the nfl”, ect ect…


    most valuable maybe but this list has them as not even the most popular in the nfl…. Not many list have them as the most popular in the world at all or even America..   Once again post like this are why people don’t like their fans.

    A team's value is mostly driven by popularity. Period. The fact that I have to spell that out to you in crayon only further illustrates your ignorance.

    But, in your failed attempt to win an argument, you just dig a deeper hole for yourself and kept moving the goalposts to try to argue that the Cowboys aren't even the most popular team in the NFL, let alone the world (you know, because old internet articles and stuff), at which point I said this...

    8 hours ago, Landomatic said:

    You can’t possibly be this dumb. Bag on them all you want, but you don’t have to be a Cowboys fan to know they are clearly the most popular team in the NFL and it’s not really even close. If you don’t know that, you’re a special breed of stupid.

    And they are. And it isn't even close. TV ratings alone prove that. Cowboys games accounted for 5 of the top 10 TV ratings in the NFL this year. They nearly doubled the number of viewers from the next closest team on the list. Again...not. even. close.

    But, you keep moving those goalposts and digging a bigger hole. With nuggets like these...

    5 hours ago, Hook1997 said:

    My team is the Bears and every game we have in Jerry World sounds like a home game for us even though we suck and ever home game for us is sold out until the end with people there until the of the game loud as hell just for us, with just Chicago fans, proof three weeks ago.  Game matters none, stadium still full, last 3 min down by 14, still loud as hell for the home team… I understand Dallas is different as a stadium and visiting teams cause they attract many visitors and sell tickets to them to make money.    In Chicago all fans are Chicago fans.   in your stadium especially if you suck over half the fans are of the visiting team, including tomorrow’s playoff game probably….   In Dallas it’s just different cause it means more $$$.    Pleas tell me how the fans in that stadium tomorrow are over half for Dallas vs SF??   Cause it won’t be and I’ll take a fan full vs tourist stadium any day.  

    You don't even know what you're arguing anymore. Sorry the Cowboys are more popular than your Bears, but at this point you're really just embarrassing yourself.

    Like the Bears and the playoffs this year, you should probably go ahead and sit the rest of this one out.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, Hook1997 said:

    Well Texas is the most valuable team for years in college when was the last time we lead in viewership??  Most valuable because Jerry runs a good business and charges a $100 for parking and gets away with it and when they are decent people love to watch them lose, just like the Longhorns….  When the cowboys are 7-9 no one gives a shit, yea viewership was up this year….  Not the years they suck, they are not the most watched.   You don’t hear Texas fans argue things like that in down years as a point, you do Cowboy and aggie fans though…   That’s my only point lol

    You can’t possibly be this dumb. Bag on them all you want, but you don’t have to be a Cowboys fan to know they are clearly the most popular team in the NFL and it’s not really even close. If you don’t know that, you’re a special breed of stupid.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Hook1997 said:


    There’s plenty of list with Cowboys fans being top ten worst fans in all….  Just look at Facebook after they win three games in a row any year, it’s “this is our year”. Cowboys run the nfl”, ect ect…


    most valuable maybe but this list has them as not even the most popular in the nfl…. Not many list have them as the most popular in the world at all….  Once again post like this are why people don’t like them.  

    What do you think drives value? Watch any national sports broadcast and the Cowboys dominate the show. You think networks do that because nobody wants to watch them?

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, NAVY said:

    Real Madrid must be an alt spelling of cowboys cause I don’t see them anywhere on this list from google 




    I’ll take Forbes value as an indicator of popularity over google searches all day.


    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Hook1997 said:

    Cowboys fan arrogance when not really winning anything recently is only matched by aggie. 

    Haha not even close. The Cowboys are the most popular team in the world, in any sport. aggy…not so much. Sadly, Longhorn fans would have been a much better analogy.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. 2 hours ago, NAVY said:

    Fuck the cowboys. 

    Damn, it feels good to say that on the eve of a playoff game. Lifelong 9er fan here. So excited that these two teams are about to go at it. We’ve both had ages of shitty ownership. I’m not saying that’s over, but at least for this year, the 9ers and cowboys are fighting for a ring. The NFL universe feels aligned. 

    Best of luck cowboys. Also fuck you. 

    Thanks. And fuck you too. More!

    • Haha 1
  8. On 1/14/2022 at 5:52 AM, Longboard Horn said:

    All Jerruh cares about is money. He doesn't give a fuck about winning. 


    On 1/14/2022 at 6:35 AM, Longboard Horn said:

    $50-55 to park, $12 beers, $100 for standing room only tickets. Money hungry 


    Congrats on winning 'dumbest take of the year' award just 14 days in. That's quite a feat.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. On 1/13/2022 at 10:12 AM, Texzilla58 said:

    You sir are a patient and loving son in law; hopefully your bride rewards you in that special way for going to all this effort to please her folks and make them happy. Too many of us would have made these odd food preferences into points of conflict pussy...undefeated.

    that's a lot of words. fixed.

    • Haha 1
  10. My list begins with Lone Star Bar & Grill and ends with Big Texan. In that order.

    Lone Star is about as authentic legit old school Texas roadhouse in the middle of nowhere as it gets. Been there for like 30 years and is everything that's great about Texas.

    Big Texan (as mentioned up thread) is iconic must do once in your life as a Texan.

    Most of the places mentioned you can get some version of in just about any city in America. Lone Star and Big Texan are both special, albeit for different reasons.

    Thank me later.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. 23 hours ago, Bogeywon said:

    Joes is my favorite restaurant. The original is in Miami but they have one in Chicago as well.  I’ve been to Vegas and Chicago. Always great food steak or sea food

    I don't think the one in Miami is the same Joe's. Website says locations in Vegas, Chicago and DC...


    The one in Miami...


    Unless they split off from the original or something?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 7 hours ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    Lobo -- this reverse sear approach is the way I've been doing the big 12-15 steak cooks for opening weekend at deer lease or for other big events for many years. Foolproof if you don't lose track of what has been on and for how long.

    Very often there is whiskey involved -- so ya' gotta' stay on your game!

    @Lobo might want to invest in some of these thingies...


  13. 35 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    I agree. I just didn't pre-heat my skillet. Will try that next time and cut it down to 75-90 seconds per side. I think that should be perfect.

    I think what @Sam Lin is trying to say (and you should trust him, he's pre-med), is that your regular skillet really isn't optimal for what you're trying to do. Pre-heating it is better than cold, but it's still kind of half pregnant.

    Using a regular skillet on a stove top to get a sear is using the surface of the skillet to give it the sear, as there is no heat source from anywhere else. In that case, skillet's are optimal. But, you're actually using the Ooni much more like a salamander in that you're using the ambient heat in the Ooni as your heat source. So, the cooking surface you're using really doesn't make a difference since the majority of the sear isn't coming from it anyway, it's coming from the ambient heat of the Ooni.

    Now, if whatever surface you're using is cold, it will actually take away from some of the ambient heat of the Ooni and work against you. Additionally, a normal skillet with sides will actually work to block some of the ambient heat source from the Ooni too. So, using a cold regular skillet (which you did the first round) actually workrd against you double time...cold taking away from ambient heat and sides blocking ambient heat. Just pre-heating that will help, but it will still be working against you as the sides will block heat (which you can see is pretty clearly happening in your first pic).

    That said, ideally, you should use something flat (no sides to block heat) and something pre-heated (so the cold doesn't absorb ambient heat). Whatever surface that is (iron, steal, etc) doesn't really make a shit. Just be sure it's flat (or mostly flat) and it's preheated and you should get your optimal sear.

    Or maybe I'm reading it wrong, in which case @Sam Lin can clarify and delete / ban me and shit.

    BTW...happy new year and congrats on getting the Ooni.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  14. 7 hours ago, Scholz said:

    I came by to say condolences to poor aggy. Now they can’t say “We was the only team that beat the champs!!!!” 

    Ya stoopid sip...

    Georgia beat Bama = Natty

    Ags also beat Bama = Natty

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 3
  15. 14 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    The game has changed my friend. Good teams just scheme your D-line into being less effective. Look at Georgia. They've had an elite D-line for awhile, this is the first year that they've been able to say that it has been a real difference maker. Bama has had one for many years as well, and how many games has the offense had to win for them? It's not like it used to be. Give me an elite QB over a 5 star DT all day. Shit, I would even take a Devonta Smith over one .

    Not sure I'd use Bama and Georgia having elite D-lines as examples of why elite D-lines don't mean shit. That's just me though.

  16. On 1/8/2022 at 9:43 AM, closetohumping said:

    My situation: currently in SoCal but can live anywhere, why not cut my expenses nearly in half, not pay a state income tax and still have access to California.  Vegas is a great food and entertainment city obviously.  But it’s hot and I’m guessing is full of degens 

    Yeah, if you can live anywhere, I would literally pick anywhere but California for all the reasons you listed and then some. Other than the weather and maybe if you're in the film biz, that state has zero value whatsoever.

    Anyway, I looked pretty hard at moving to Vegas about 5 or so years back. Like you, we can live anywhere we want and thought we were ready for a change of scenery. At the time, we were traveling to Vegas for fun multiple times per year and thought it sounded like a cool idea. How badass would it be to live here and be able to do all this shit all the time?

    As we started to peel back the layers and look at the reality of it all, we realized that it was much more a place we liked to visit and not a place we'd like to live (kind of like NYC). Everyone we talked to who lives there said the locals avoid all the shit we were going to Vegas for like the plague. Assuming we'd be the same way if we lived there, once we looked at anything outside of the casinos/shopping/dining/nightlife/strip/etc, it didn't have much going for it. I mean, I'd definitely rather live there than California, but that's not saying much.

    Looking back, I'm really glad we talked ourselves off that ledge. We kind of outgrew Vegas over the last few years we went. Everything was starting to feel very "been there done that" and we found it less and less appealing every time we went. It changed, we changed, whatever...but it's just not our thing anymore. We haven't been since Covid and have no real desire to go back anytime soon, if ever. I can't imagine living there now.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. 7 hours ago, C-Man said:

    FIL is a general dentist and several of his foodie patients give him gift cards to restaurants quite a bit. It's how I wound up at FT33 for the first time. He and my MIL looked the menu and figured it wasn't for them so they gave the card to my wife and I to use. Well, he was given a GC to Sister, the new restaurant from Chaz of The Charles fame. It's opened in the old Grape location. I didn't even realize it had opened yet but I am looking forward to going. Anybody been yet?

    It’s great! Literally a more casual version of The Charles. I think y’all will love it.

  18. 16 hours ago, LosIllini said:

    Have you tried using parchment paper?  I use it w/ a peel and pizza stone.  Pull the paper after a couple of minutes.  Does a real good job.


    1 hour ago, dcbc said:


    Just remember to pull the paper before you take pics for this thread, otherwise you'll lose your Italian card. 

    • Haha 1
  19. 39 minutes ago, VABuckeye said:

    And a spare rind.  That's one of the things that makes those hours long sauces a 10.  I get that a pretty good sauce can be made in an hour but I prefer the 3-4 hour version that turns into something special.  JMO.

    The argument isn't which one you prefer. Of course we all prefer those 10s that simmer all day with the rind and all the other magic that makes those amazing. I'm talking about the fact that there are, in fact, times when you don't have time and/or just don't feel like fucking with that level, so there are 2 other levels that are just fine in a pinch...a 9 from scratch in an hour or an 8 from a jar in 15 mins.

  20. 7 minutes ago, NoRagrets said:

    No pasta jar garbage is an 8 unless your reference is shitty homemade sauce that you claim to be a 9.

    You make a moderate sauce in an hour (call it a 5) that’s good for putting on pizza or a topping for meat. I do that all the time on weekdays. If you want the spaghetti to be the star, you need to spend at least 4 hours on it. Best thing to do is to put it on at lunch and just let it simmer all afternoon.

    Also, I’ve never had a manufactured meatball that was decent. They all suck. My grandmother taught my wife how to make meatballs but not me, so I have no advice to give on that front.

    Regarding cheese, there’s no reason to not have a nice hunk of Parmesan in your fridge at all times. I buy mine from Costco because my boys eat a lot. It only takes 1-2 minutes to have fresh graded cheese to compliment the sauce you’ve worked all day on.

    And don’t get me started on the pasta itself. Buy good organic pasta or make it yourself from scratch. It’s easy and it’s fun. My kids even participate. 

    If you can’t make a 9 red sauce from scratch in an hour, you’re doing it wrong. The hours long ones are the 10s.

    And yes, I can do an 8 with the right jar sauce. I’ll put a couple different brands from my local Italian market combined with some of my own tweaks up against most peoples sauce from scratch all day long.

    Agree on the meatballs, parm and pasta though.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  21. 8 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    um, polls are and have always been the problem with cfb

    But until they figure out a way to structure things equally, polls will always need to exist. There is not a single solution on earth that will change that except having equal conferences/divisions/etc like pro sports, which I never see happening.

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