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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. Sounds like kind of an inverted Nick Saban clause. He automatically gets a raise if another coach gets paid more than him (or some such shit). Alphabet wanted a discount if another provider got a cheaper deal than them.
  2. But it definitely makes them not an aggy
  3. Yep, hell the value to Alphabet in YouTube TV is probably in the data collection. The subscriber part of this whole TV thing could be a loss leader for them and they'll still come out ahead.
  4. In the short time I used Hulu over the last 24 hours, the DVR, and specifically pausing, rewinding and forwarding live tv fucking suuuuuuucked! Couldn’t run back to YTTV fast enough. $75 lesson learned. Next time I will sit tight and let whoever settle whatever it is they can’t come to an agreement on.
  5. Yeah, should be in your settings under "Live guide". All the way at the bottom. You have to check them back on as if they're new channels. It was a pain in the dick to custom resort them all...but not as big of a pain as Hulu's DVR was looking like it might be.
  6. All my TVs are pretty much built into the walls so adding an OTA antenna would be a real pain in my balls. Guess I'll live without ABC until it comes back on.
  7. I see your point, but it's not like UT was in perfect shape either. Or USC (if that was even a thing) either. I think most coaches consider even the lower end NFL jobs to be better than even the higher end college jobs. Assuming you're going to have success at both, which I think most do. And with an ego like Urban's, yeah I'm sure he thought he'd be successful. Well, he was caught on a live mic on Hard Knocks saying something like "at least I don't have to recruit any more" when someone asked how the NFL was going for him. That wouldn't keep him from thinking that way. Maybe, maybe not. Results could have been vastly different for him at UT. His college game didn't translate to the NFL, which very few do. It's a completely different job.
  8. Well, considering he was hired in part to clean some of the moral stink off their school, I think it can be assumed that they wouldn't want someone with Urban's questionable moral track record. But that's a far cry from "we know for a fact USC said no"
  9. Yeah, well duh. But I'd never seen anything on that at all. In fact, I think USC's timeline didn't work where they could have gotten him (without taking him from Jacksonville). They didn't have an opening when he was at Fox and by the time they did, he was in his first year with the Jaguars. So, not sure how USC could have "for a fact said no" to him. Maybe I missed something? Or maybe Pam is just talking out her ass?
  10. Yep, that appears to work. I just tested the one show I have in my DVR and could fast forward through the ads just fine. Whew! Having just signed up yesterday, here's what I got... Hulu (No Ads) + Live TV - $70.99/month Enhanced Cloud DVR + Unlimited Screens Bundle - $14.98/month So total of about $85/month for the top tier of everything (there were other options lower that didn't offer everything). I was right at $65/month for YTTV plus I was already paying I think about $7/month for Hulu, so increase of $13/month net total for me. Sucks but that's inevitable. Still about half what I was paying for satellite when I cut the cord about 5 years back. And the on demand version forced ads on YTTV too, so lateral move there.
  11. Jeez, I think that's a really simplistic take. Could also mean... C) He has one of the worst god-complexes ever and felt like he'd already accomplished everything he needed to in college and thought he'd be able to walk right into the NFL and dominate, so why not go coach at the highest level (yes even the Jacksonville fucking Jaguars are a higher level than any blue blood school...it's the NF fucking L) to add to his accomplishments. D) He was tired of the recruiting game and decided he didn't need that headache (pun intended) anymore, so NFL it is. E) He saw what a screwed up culture Texas had and decided to pass. F) He couldn't get the big cigars (part of E above) to agree to give him total control and decided to pass. G) All of the above. Very likely the answer is G. Also, how do we "know for a fact that USC said no"?
  12. Been on Hulu now for about 24 hours (admittedly only a few of those hours was spent watching TV), and I got no problems with it so far. Some differences, yes. But just feels like getting used to it, learning curve type shit. Nothing worse than YTTV at all, in fact there appear to even be some possible improvements. One big question I have...somebody on one of the 10 other threads on this subject around the board is claiming that on Hulu, you are forced to watch commercials when you play something back on everything you record. Force them even in places where there aren't normally ads (example given was that he was watching a game he'd recorded and it went to a forced commercial break right in the middle of a play). Is this true? I watched some things last night that forced ads, but they were on demand, not things I'd recorded (it was that way on YTTV). I record damn near everything I watch and rarely watch anything live, mostly just so that I can fast forward through the commercials. If this is true, that's a hard no pass for me. Also, has there been any confirmation on whether or not you can delete shows you've recorded? Seems like that would be a huge improvement over YTTV and make the limited storage issue a non-factor. I don't have any of these answers myself yet as I don't have a DVR library built up yet. TIA
  13. I thought they have a fee you can pay to eliminate this? No? The one I just signed up for yesterday when I got the news from YTTV, is called "Hulu (No Ads) + Live TV". Or is that just paying extra for no ads on the Hulu content? I caught up on a couple episodes of Yellowstone last night and they all forced me to watch commercials, but they were all on demand too, not DVR'd. It was that way on YTTV. I haven't had it long enough to have anything saved on my DVR. You sure you're not just talking about the on demand stuff? Which there does look to be a shit ton of. If what you're saying is true, and it applies to the stuff you DVR, then yeah...fuck. that. shit. And the limited space thing (50 hours comes with it) has a fee you can pay to fix that to get 200 hours too. Not sure yet whether that will be a problem or not.
  14. I get your point, but I'm not even sure his record on the field was that bad, given the circumstances. He took over a 1-15 team and at least had them with 2 wins this year...with a first year quarterback. A lot of teams struggle with a first year quarterback. Hell, Jimmy Johnson was 1-15 with first year quarterback Troy Aikman and they're both hall of famers now. Not saying he shouldn't have been fired or defending him in any way. I'm not even saying he's not a piece of shit. The point is, he's always been a piece of shit. And the complete 180 from everyone slobbering all over his knob to now claiming he's radioactive and he'll never work again, just from the piddly little crap he did this year, is ridiculous. The immoral stuff he did this year pales in comparison to some of the immoral stuff he did in the past. Yet, now everyone's all holier than thou about him. His coaching style and personality did not translate to the NFL. Nothing more, nothing less.
  15. Holy shit that's gold. Legit crying laughing.
  16. Going up for everyone, whether you get in before or not. When I signed up today, there were disclaimers all over about it. They aren’t grandfathering you.
  17. Don’t know yet because I don’t have anything in my stockpile yet. But I did confirm you can choose to record only new episodes or all episodes which is life changing alone. Wasn’t an option on YTTV. Didn’t matter for DVR space, but damn those old reruns would pile up and clutter the hell outa things.
  18. I just jumped over to Hulu. So far, so good. Some things that seem better, some things that seem not as good, but pretty much a wash from everything I’ve seen in the few short hours I’ve messed with it.
  19. Lmao at everything that has always been known about Urban Meyer and everyone was still tripping all over their dicks at the chance to have him as their coach. Not just surly posters, but his name was thrown around every time there was a vacancy, and he could pretty much call his shot. So much so that he was able to pass on a blue blood head job (and lord only knows how many others) to take an NFL job. Fans, media, owners, AD's, boosters...you name it, everyone wanted him or at least showed interest despite what all he'd done off the field. But now he's had a questionable night with a coed, had an alleged scuffle with a kicker and his college coaching game didn't translate to the NFL like a lot of coaches' don't. And now he's a piece of shit. Now he's toxic. Now he's radioactive. Now he'll never work again. Give me a fucking break. What a world we're living in.
  20. They actually rarely ever get to this point at all. Lots of playing hard ball with each other and PSA's from the service provider to get the users' panties all twisted up and apply pressure to the networks and make them look like the bad guy, then at the final hour, they come to an agreement. I haven't canceled my YouTube TV subscription just yet. Gonna see how it plays out and try out Hulu in the meantime. Hell, maybe I'll end up liking them better.
  21. I've been playing around with it a little this morning and Hulu, so far, seems pretty easy. Haven't really found many drawbacks yet. Looks like there may even be at least one improvement in that you can select "new episodes" or "all episodes" when recording. That wasn't an option with YTTV (or at least I was never able to figure it out) and it used to drive me crazy because some shows would just pile up with years worth of reruns and it got a pretty challenging to determine if stuff was new or old. That said, the DVR doesn't look to be nearly as good. Looks like Hulu only comes with 50 hours (or you can pay extra for 200 hours, which I did), where YTTV was unlimited. Also looks like live TV only records 15 minutes of history where YTTV recorded it all starting when you click on it. TBD if either of these will be a problem for me. I have no clue how many hours I will need, as I didn't ever have to pay attention to it with YTTV. Maybe 200, especially without piling up old reruns, will be more than sufficient? Also, I can't really think of a time when I'd need more than 15 minutes of history. I guess to pause to take a massive dump that lasts more than 15 minutes, or if I get a phone call or something? Like everything else, I'm sure there are pros and cons to both. But most of what seems "worse" to me is probably actually just "different" and will just take some getting used to. Full disclosure...I've only messed with it on my desktop to this point, so maybe the TV version will be completely different, but so far, so good.
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