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Everything posted by Satchel

  1. The meat of the matter in the classified docs case and Judge Cannon can be found at the 3:15 mark in this clip:
  2. What the NBC clip doesn’t cover is the predictable actions of the local butter biscuit politician, who got up in a public session and advocated on behalf of this racist. Disgusting:
  3. Couldn’t find an appropriate thread in which to post this: https://news.yahoo.com/mitch-mcconnell-urges-courts-ignore-214428726.html Let’s end judge shopping: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Thursday criticized a move made by the federal judiciary to restrict the practice of "judge-shopping," an approach conservative lawyers have recently used in high-profile cases in an effort to find a sympathetic jurist. McConnell said on the Senate floor that the U.S. Judicial Conference, the policymaking body of the judiciary, was effectively siding with Democrats, who have complained about conservative groups and Republican attorneys general filing contentious lawsuits in single-judge divisions. "This was an unforced error by the Judicial Conference," McConnell said. "I hope they will reconsider." He suggested that district courts could resist applying the new policy. "I hope district courts throughout the country will instead weigh what is best for their jurisdictions, not half-baked 'guidance' that just does Washington Democrats’ bidding," he said. McConnell, joined by two fellow Republicans, Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Thom Tillis, R-N.C., have also sent letters to judges around the country making that point. Recent examples of judge-shopping include several cases filed in Texas, including the conservative bid to overturn federal approval of the abortion pill mifepristone. That was filed in Amarillo, where it was guaranteed the judge would be Matthew Kacsmaryk, a former conservative legal activist appointed by then-President Donald Trump. The new policy, announced this week, would ensure that any cases seeking to block state or federal policies in federal district courts would be assigned randomly from larger pools of judges. Some conservative judges have already criticized the move. It was described as a "good idea" by Judge Jeffrey Sutton, a conservative judge on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals who chairs the Judicial Conference's executive committee.
  4. Still the most Atlanta shit ever. Now, go get him Fani.
  5. Schumer is dragging Bibi to hell and back. Things are about to be on and poppin! https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/03/14/congress/schumer-takes-on-netanyahu-government-00146991 Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is calling for new elections in Israel, describing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government as an "obstacle to peace" amid his country's ongoing war in Gaza. Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish official in U.S. history, urged Israel to "do better," citing the estimated tens of thousands of Palestinian civilian casualties caused by the Netanyahu government's military offensive aimed at neutralizing the terrorist group Hamas.
  6. The benefit of hindsight notwithstanding, I wonder if Tech fans would prefer Beard over McCasland today.
  7. He even went so far as to claim he was a member of one of the Divine Nine (Kappa Alpha Psi) He is not.
  8. I was responding to the quote and tweet.
  9. This is so much bullshit. Ain’t no 20% of black people voting for that ignoramus.
  10. This is a very positive development: https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/anti-trump-group-of-republicans-lays-out-50-million-plan-of-attack/ A Republican group dedicated to opposing former President Donald Trump is planning to spend $50 million to stop him through a series of homemade testimonial videos of voters who backed him in past elections but say they can no longer support him in 2024. The group, Republican Voters Against Trump, first emerged in the 2020 campaign and made a return appearance for the 2022 midterm elections. It is run by Sarah Longwell, a leading figure in Never-Trump politics whose focus groups and polling are a staple of center-right podcasts and have made her a go-to figure for political reporters aiming to decipher the motivations behind Trump supporters. Unlike Democratic organizations that aim to help President Joe Biden by promoting his record in office, Longwell’s group focuses solely on attacking Trump through the voices of his former backers. The Republican Voters Against Trump website features 100 videos, from one to three minutes long, of Republicans speaking to a computer or mobile-phone camera about why they voted for Trump in 2016 or 2020 and will not do so in 2024. It’s really important to understand you’re not building a pro-Joe Biden coalition,” Longwell said. “You’re building an anti-Trump coalition.” In 2020, Republican Voters Against Trump ended the presidential campaign with more than 1,000 homemade videos on its website of people who voted for Trump in 2016 but said they would not do so again. For 2024, the group is starting with 100 testimonials and instructions on its website for past Trump supporters to submit their own stories. So far, the anti-Trump Republicans who have recorded their thoughts for Longwell have focused on Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election, blaming him for the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. Abortion, Longwell said, was a far less urgent concern for these voters. She said many of them did not connect Trump with the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision and did not believe he opposes the practice. “They view Trump as a cultural moderate,” she said. “They think he’s paying for abortions. Nobody thinks this guy has an ounce of sexual morality. They don’t think he’s Mike Pence. And so that sort of helps him.” Longwell said she had $20 million already committed to her 2024 effort and aimed to raise the rest of the money for her advertising campaign between now and the fall.
  11. Senator Van Hollen says the Biden administration could pressure Israel to let more aid through, and they could do it by invoking a law called the Humanitarian Aid Corridor… …This law is very straightforward. It says the United States shall not provide military assistance to any country if that country is prohibiting or otherwise restricting, directly or indirectly, the transport and delivery of U.S. assistance into an area. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/11/1237665822/maryland-sen-van-hollen-says-biden-could-pressure-israel-to-let-more-aid-through
  12. OU’s been getting a new arena since long before the earth’s crust cooled.
  13. Hump. You obviously have never heard of billionaire Tim Dunn’s Midland Classical Academy
  14. In recent days, Trump has made a couple of significant policy position reversals that have gone largely unnoticed by most media. When the lobbyists for Bud Lite’s parent company announced the sponsorship of a 10k a plate Trump fundraiser, he publicly appealed to his followers to stop boycotting Bud Lite. More recently, he has sought and received the support of Jeff Yass who holds a 33 billion dollar share of TikTok. Guess what? After his years long crusade to de-platform TikTok in the US, he’s suddenly had a change of heart. Anybody else agree with Steve Bannon who has reluctantly come to the inescapable conclusion that Trump may have been bought? https://apnews.com/article/social-media-donald-trump-8e6e2f0a092135428c82c0cfa6598444
  15. That we’re actually considering codifying legislation that would help well off parents send their kid to Jesuit is mind boggling boggling.
  16. I remain convinced Hillary would have confirmed the majority of polls and won in 2016 had it not been for the last minute sabotage of James Comey. The country has changed a lot since 2016, but it’s hard to imagine that so many rejected Hillary over a last minute 30 minute investigation into emails, while an even larger number seem unconcerned about Trump 91 criminal charges. I don’t understand it.
  17. Friend recently told me about an experience he had while visiting his very successful immigrant neighbor. While helping himself to the buffet at poolside, noticed most of the immigrant Latinos rushing inside as the national anthem was playing in advance of the sporting event they had gathered to watch. With his plate, he followed them inside, only to find all of them standing, with hand over heart looking intently at the TV. He and several others looked on in amazement , wondering under their breaths what the hell was going on.
  18. The Biden White House has no doubt acknowledged this some time ago, but the hard cold truth is there is no longer a two party system or a loyal opposition. There is the Democratic Party dueling with a single individual - Donald Trump.
  19. I still dont get how a majority of Latinos can be so pro Catholic Church and alternately anti immigrant.
  20. When I watch MTG act a fool, I often think about her kids and how embarrassing it must be for them to have that ignorant hillbilly as their mom.
  21. Senator Lankford mouthed, “that’s true”. Awesome!
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