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Everything posted by BHMCruiser

  1. Got it. I thought that place was closed but now it seems to have reopened. The famous one here in town is Sammy's and it is objectively horrific.
  2. I was born and raised in Birmingham and have lived here most of my life. If there are decent strip clubs here I am not aware of them.
  3. Nope. Hoover sucks. Mostly chain restaurants. Silver Coin Indian is authentic and solid.
  4. Downtown is completely dead at night from that perspective. The real crime is outside of downtown and is Baltimoresque
  5. There are no bars to hop in Bessemer but the Bright Star is great.
  6. "To be honest, when I found out patriarchy wasn't about horses, I lost interest."
  7. As a Bama fan I think the face mask was an unforgivable blown call. I assumed we lost when it happened.
  8. I get that but it was hardly a manifesto. But whatever.
  9. Ha ha no we hired a toddler from ND who still has not heard about the forward pass. BOB is back with the Patriots
  10. I thought so during the movie and then I read a bunch of trans panic reporting afterwards and I really didn’t see the conspiracy. It was just a movie.
  11. I'm not talking shit. I didn't say "run the ball successfully." I said we are going to run it a lot. I make no predictions on outcome because I do not think our offense will be ready for primetime.
  12. You can fix that, or at least make it tolerable (see Jalen Hurts). The problem is Milroe's decision making. He is indecisive which neutralizes his natural physical gifts. We (Bama) are going to run the ball 2000 times against Texas.
  13. Legal's is overpriced and really not very good. Agree about the test kitchen. The only exception to their mediocrity is I do think their chowder is great.
  14. Go to Archibald's on Friday Be advised Montgomery is small and unreliable
  15. I cannot believe the BHP closed. I practically lived there from 2000-2002
  16. Rudy is completely accurate. Rudy sucks. Notre Dame sucks. The actual Rudy sucks. The fans suck. His parents suck. 100% real.
  17. You could take your kids and walk up to the top of the Bunker Hill monument. It will be the worst thing you ever make them do and they will never complain on a family trip again. just imagine doing 300 steps on a stairmaster that is slowly spinning in a hot, airless, dark tunnel that smells like warm vomit and urine
  18. My knowledge is over 20 years old but how does Biddy Early's compare to Beacon Hill Pub as a dive bar?
  19. That's way nicer than my most recent "why are you telling me this bullshit?" comment. It probably went over better, too.
  20. apparently, Barbie was some sort of transgender manifesto? I missed that entirely but I am dumb.
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