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Everything posted by G650

  1. De Ronde this weekend. https://www.rondevanvlaanderen.be/en/race/men-elite/news/follow-tour-of-flanders-on-these-broadcasters-1
  2. Need to tow it beyond the environment
  3. Yeah I was going to say a lot of y'all would faint on the Mackinaw Bridge. It sways pretty good in the middle. It's not around anymore, but the old Cooper River Bridge in Charleston was insane, two way traffic, straight up and down, and waist high guardrails
  4. FWIW the HRBt is basically Satan, but the CBBT is one of the nicest drives in the country, especially at dawn drinking coffee and watching the sunrise on the ocean
  5. Well that's better than the dipshits that drive 35 in them and fuck everything up
  6. Carkeek. Indeed. She is staying on the bay this summer but I'm sure we will be in Florida over the winter again, let's see if something works
  7. Actually screw them lol. This very ship actually came from here to Baltimore btw.
  8. I-64, I-664, US-58 are all direct to 95. We have much better connectivity than even Baltimore, which is why a shitload of equipment already comes here. Plus the new Port of Va facility in Portsmouth has the best intermodal link in the Mid Atlantic, and tons of space. Charleston, where I used to live actually, is by far the worst. One way in and out, I-26
  9. As someone who is a road builder and lives in a area with multiple underwater tunnels, two currently under construction for parallel tunnels, I can assure you this is seriously not the case.
  10. It's a bit more of a choice from where you area coming from, but I always recommend going up the eastern shore and avoiding I-95
  11. I was actually on I-40 when that happened, about an hour up the road.
  12. Yeah, Catalunya was basically his personal spring training camp. He switched coaches this offseason, I'm curious to see how the season unfolds. I'm slightly nervous he is too good to soon.
  13. https://www.ebay.com/itm/266517889050?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=266517889050&targetid=1530439035731&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9008532&poi=&campaignid=20398928557&mkgroupid=153052568833&rlsatarget=pla-1530439035731&abcId=9317287&merchantid=511587792&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo7HvroyJhQMVgYFaBR0XCAceEAQYAiABEgLbVvD_BwE
  14. I'd hit up Weber or someone in that case. Will be a better speaker
  15. D15 Special spruce top
  16. Peavey still makes BWs as far as I know. But anyway, the amp is what makes it a Peavey, not the speaker.
  17. I thought you were asking about a speaker replacement.
  18. MvdP is in ridiculous form
  19. No bass player last night so improvised an acoustic session. It was actually a pretty productive thing to try and work out acoustic arrangements for our songs, I dug it more than I anticipated.
  20. Sheeit. Back in my day there wasn't an internet. You had to go get a VHS from the store 6 months after the fact.
  21. Damn right it is. Old school Peavey ftw
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