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Everything posted by G650

  1. This is something I have discussed with people like 20 years ago, but Reaganomics did "work", insofar as they were what was needed at the time. I am still of that opinion today. The economy was sclerotic and the deficit spending was what unclogged it. The problem was it became a national addiction, like a sugar high, for the political class. If Bush hadn't done the whole read my lips thing, and congress worked to put taxes and structural reforms in place in the 90s, it would have worked pretty fucking well. But instead we became hooked on tax cuts, wealth progressively migrated up, and here we are.
  2. Takes up like a quarter of my screen and makes everything asymmetrical.
  3. G650

    Is Punk Dead?

    That reminds me of this old warehouse we used to practice at. We had some sort of loop or short or something, and the mic would shock the fuck out of you. We like covered it with a sock or something lol.
  4. G650

    Is Punk Dead?

    Jesus. The Who had so many bangers I can't count. An Eminence Front is an amazing song that captured that time precisely
  5. Thanks man. It crushes my screen to about 2/3 the normal width.
  6. @immamac how the fuck do we turn off this Featured Products sidebar. It's totally fucking up the formatting.
  7. I mean that's been the gossip for awhile so yeah. Still seems bizarre to me Jumbo would even consider it.
  8. One of the top 5 greatest lines in film history
  9. It makes absolutely no sense for Jumbo from any angle I can see
  10. Great googly moogly https://www.wielerflits.nl/nieuws/jumbo-visma-werkt-aan-fusie-met-soudal-quick-step/
  11. I'm surprisingly gruntled at McLaren.
  12. I'm no great fan of NOLA so my position it's always if he dies, he dies.
  13. This is actually the reason I truly like this dude. He is one of the only people I've seen in politics that truly is there to bat for the most vulnerable. It's kind of my biggest gripe with every other politician.
  14. I ve bought a couple things from Carter's. They have always been very pleasant to deal with, whether Walter or anyone else. Their pricing since the buy out has been optimistic to put it kindly though
  15. So csb, but I dealt blackjack to George Wendt once. He was literally Norm and drank every beer in a gulp or two.
  16. There's no question, and I appreciate the extroverts for this. I've had great times with random people who started conversations with me at the bar. On the plane though you motherfuckers can fuck right off.
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