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Everything posted by G650

  1. I don't know, I don't find it super progressive.
  2. Idk, as someone who grew up with basically no church going family members except maybe one or two, and never encountered church going kids in school, I feel this is a wildly misplaced line of thought. And I'm referencing 40 years ago, so not some lately the world is going to hell because no one goes to church anymore bullshit. Going to church was always something people in like Kansas did in my mind as a youth.
  3. I'm surprised Russell is so low.
  4. Dressing gowns are always acceptable attire outside of public spaces imo. Damn right.
  5. Shit TD, I live in Virginia Beach. Y'all practically black tie compared to here!
  6. Hey, all good man. Free country and whatnot. Personally, I rarely go to dinner without a sports jacket because I'm not a 14 year old, but that is just my perspective. I have a construction company myself, so my daily is pants and a shirt to my chagrin.
  7. I think he should wear a suit personally. Hell, I think everyone should unless you are a construction worker. But while I disagree with his decision on attire he more than outweighs that with his other attributes.
  8. Casting a large flat piece with lots of flexion forces seems like a recipe for failure. The nature of casting means there's an inherent irregularity of the material cast, as opposed to something machined or formed. For small, dense parts its really no issue, but for something wide and flat there's a lot of leverage on the part. I'm sure they will say they figured it out an whatnot but I'm skeptical. With all the fatigue cycles something could give way at any moment.
  9. Personally, I think we see status quo next year for Jumbo. I don't know that Roglic was over the moon at the time, but I think the drama was way overplayed. I think management honestly had a bigger hand in it than the riders anyway. Jonas blatantly wanted Sepp to win, and Roglic and Kuss are very good friends. After Saturdays stage both JV and Roglic were legitimately all smiles, they were happy for Sepp. So I think maybe in 2025 Roglic may look elsewhere if next year doesn't pan out like he wants, I don't see a change right now. Remco is an interesting one. I honestly like him more after this. I thought his attitude was good, and he was very entertaining to watch.
  10. As a native Tidewaterean, I do think NOVA sucks, because fuck NOVA, that's why, but no our state is not remotely like the hellscape of Texas. We have become a democratic state, and it's not going to go back the other way.
  11. I fell like the phrase OK Boomer was basically invented for Jann Wenner. He has been such a dipshit for so long I've tuned him out to the point I forget he exists.
  12. Gene Ween is a national treasure
  13. I'm not sure this is a news flash
  14. Jonas is fucking pumped lol. I've never seem him smile like that even after his own wins.
  15. Even Contador getting emotional over Kuss winning
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