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Everything posted by G650

  1. That one dude in the back looks like he was just sprung from an El Salvadorean prison. Clearly for the Life & Arts section on Saturday
  2. Somebody gotta bring the orange slices.
  3. I've actually tried to legitimately think of worse douches, but I struggle to bring to mind anyone worse than Zack de la Rocha. Fred Durst maybe? The dude from Trapt?
  4. I think with the 08 job losses under Bush and later gains under Obama, probably looks about the same.
  5. I really am not a fan of the flat time penalty, never have been. It doesn't really account for all the variables that impact actual results.
  6. This Williams pace of late is a welcome development
  7. Christ I fucking hope not
  8. Peter Steel begged to differ
  9. From your lips to God's ears
  10. Today, we are all Ferrari
  11. Probably because you hit Submit Reply
  12. So you are that annoying motherfucker that wants to talk to everyone
  13. Holy shit, was not expecting that
  14. The AT 4050 is a solid multi pattern mic that isn't too expensive
  15. Alrighty then. I'm not sure how any of this applies to what I said but carry on.
  16. People are citing examples of ones we executed for treason? Serious question, I honestly haven't looked that hard.
  17. So I wasn't exactly sure where to post this, I scrolled through a couple pages and this thread seemed the most appropriate is I think it's an underrated album, but I learned at least part of the answer to a question that has always bothered me. Urge Overkill's album Saturation (underrated as I say), has a stylized pictured of the Houston skyline on it. I could never figure out why a band famously from Chicago had a picture of Houston on the cover. Well, it turns out that it was a homage to a late 80's compilation of the most stereotypical 80s rock songs you could imagine call Rock City Nights. I'm sure about three people actually care about this, but anyway I was happy to finally know. Plus probably some posters from Houston here who might get a kick out of it.
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