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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Oh yeah, I left out fatty.
  2. Troph, pretty much every time someone has specifically criticized Israeli policy in this thread you've taken it as a criticism of Jewish people generally. That conflation is exactly what nationalists do. There are a few antisemites on Surly. They don't post in the CR much though, they prefer DT. There's probably more that don't really reveal it on this board anywhere, but the obvious ones are babayaga, icono, and workswithseed (he was less blatant about it on the board but I have no doubt he's got antisemitic views). They think Israel and Jews are one and the same. Don't be like them.
  3. As a bit of an aside, I'd have no problem with Israel going all Munich on Hamas' leaders in Qatar and wherever else those fuckers are hiding. I don't think that'd destroy Hamas, but I do think it'd be more effective than dropping 20,000 bombs on Gaza.
  4. I don't think it's accurate to compare the US or Israeli governments to Hamas. I do think BF is trying to make a decent point (similar to the point Troph made upthread, which I find darkly funny), but going about it badly. But I've got some more rambling thoughts on why many people who think they're trying to be good allies of Jews aren't (though I do think the effort is sincere). I'll start with some thoughts on the current conflict from another Jew: The Trap: I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on Jewish theology and I know there are many Orthodox Jews who disagree, but to me these comments have always been at the heart of what I understand Judaism to be, or at least, it's best form. And it may seem odd, because one of most well known things about Jews is they consider themselves God's chosen people, but I think most people's Judaism is infused with the lessons of the diaspora, which has taught that Jews are safest when among other communities that embrace their commitment to shared humanity. That belief in a universal humanity is exactly what Hitler and the nazis tried to exterminate and that is why it must be cherished, protected, and encouraged. Because fuck nazis and fuck everything they stand for. I think Netanyahu and Likud and others like them learned the worst possible lesson from the holocaust. The lesson they learned was that the nazis were right, that Jews could never live with the rest of humanity. That has been guiding too much Israeli policy for too long. Despite the destruction that is currently raining down on Gaza, I am cautiously optimistic that enough of the Israeli people are coming to understand that.
  5. No man, I specifically mean you clearly implicitly accusing chainsaw of anti-Semitism because he's critical of the Israeli government. You're better than Icono, act like it.
  6. I don't understand how you could read and like my prior post and keep posting this shit. This shit is what I was talking about.
  7. It's so surreal to see much more open and honest discussion going on in the Israeli media and society about how their own government's policies may have contributed to this and how their response still needs to be proportional than many non-Jewish Americans will tolerate here. Many immediate family members of those currently being held hostage are publicly stating that they don't want revenge or escalation, and those who lost loved ones in Hamas' attacks are saying their loved ones' wouldn't want to be used to justify mass slaughter, and here and all over the American internet we've got a bunch of Gentiles pretty casually throwing around implicit accusations of anti-Semitism at people for making similar comments. I don't consider myself to be Jewish, but my dad was and half of my family is. That half of the family is fewer than ten people because of the holocaust. But the Judaism they practice, and the Judaism that millions of Jews around the world practice, completely rejects the thinking being embraced by many in this thread (including many whom I expect better from): that Jews and Gentiles cannot co-exist peacefully, that Jews are not part of the global human community, but some insular other. Netanyahu and Likud have done their fucking damnedest to convince the rest of the world that that's actually true as a twisted strategy of self defense, and we can see now that this made Israel less safe, not moreso. Because that nationalistic thinking is at its core fascist, and fascist thinking will always endanger Jews, it will not make them safer.
  8. Troph, I have a whole lot of respect for you, but this blatant conflation of Israel with the Jewish people is the same shit that Hamas and neo-nazis do. The Israeli state is not the Jewish people and some of its harshest critics, even now, are Jews.
  9. No, they're really not. They're always a disastrous clownshow. They tend to be able to pull of a pretense otherwise because the circumstances that permit fascists to come to power generally require shit to have gotten really bad, and usually by the time they take power things have already started improving and they just ride the wave and take credit for awhile.
  10. Generally agree with this (especially eliminating the Hastert rule), but Cuellar wouldn't be my alternative. Isn't he still under FBI investigation?
  11. This shit is why Netanyahu's abandonment of diaspora Jews and embrace of fascists makes me so goddamned furious. He fucking encourages the conflation of Israel with the Jewish people, which is used by anti-Semites to pretend that they don't hate the "real" Jews but only the secular marxist Jews. You know, the exact same fucking shit the nazis said (before they got around to killing Orthodox Jews too).
  12. Christian fundamentalism is by any measure substantially more dangerous to Americans than Islamist fundamentalism. There's many millions more of them, they have the sympathies of law enforcement all around the country, and they hold serious political power.
  13. This is a you thing, not a them thing.
  14. Hamas attack exposes deteriorating ties between Russia and Israel: The tiny sliver of good news in the current moment is that all of Netanyahu's work to support fascism here, in Israel, and elsewhere has completely fucking blown up in his face.
  15. I wonder how Daily Texan's Trump fans who also support Israel are taking Trump's praising of Hamas and Hezbollah.
  16. It makes no difference to the child or the child's family, obviously. But the more sensational, the more effectively it can be used for propagandistic purposes. Edit: Brickhorn explained better than the rest of us. He is wise.
  17. Sure, but even if they did that they’d still get blanked in the playoffs.
  18. Would it help if we all tried to jinx pressly?
  19. For the love of fucking god can we tack on two here?
  20. That's good use of the indefinite article there. You can't be too sure there's not another imploded submarine down there somewhere.
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