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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. No, they won't. That tail has been wagging this dog for quite awhile now.
  2. If it makes you feel better to imagine I said something I didn't say, I guess keep at it.
  3. Porterhouse is a pretty clear demonstration of the effectiveness of fascist propaganda.
  4. They're pretty clearly inviting a disproportionate response.
  5. The last time the PLC held elections the median Palestinian was 2 years old.
  6. Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people is apartheid by any reasonable definition of the word. You seem comfortable enough saying that you think it's fine in this case, so why does whether or not it qualifies as apartheid in your mind even matter?
  7. In solidarity with decent people everywhere, I will be boycotting her work.
  8. I sure hope you're right. Do you (or does anyone else here) have a good source you trust for the latest breaking news on this? Twitter generally has been pretty useless, but I expect there are some good accounts still worth following. The only ones I know though are the Bellingcat guys.
  9. It's getting funny how routine this cycle of Incredulity posting executive-ass-covering propaganda about crime and being proven wrong shortly thereafter is.
  10. I don't see any good reason to think this is correct.
  11. That basically describes what Gaza's already like. The median male age there is 17.
  12. Yeah, he's really fucking up the whole plan. He's going to end up peeling more votes from Trump than Biden.
  13. I'd started typing a Brisket-length post, but it ended up just being that same post in a few thousand more words. I think the real problem, and the reason this conflict will either (a) never end, or (b) "end" in an Israeli genocide of the Palestinians, is that the Israeli state (at least as run by its right-wing governments) is a settler-colonial state and the answer to resolving violence between colonizers and colonized is usually for the colonizers to go home. But the Israeli people have nowhere else to go either. Hell, we (the "we" in this case being pretty much the rest of the world) gave them Israel because some Zionists wanted it and nobody else wanted to take a bunch of Jews in. I used to believe a pluralistic Israel was possible. Maybe at one point it really was. But that doesn't seem possible anymore. And while plenty of blame for that can be laid at the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah, I think it primarily lies with the far-right in Israel. Just as nothing could possibly justify what Hamas has done, nothing could possibly justify the Israeli government's brutal oppression of the Palestinian people. I don't really know how to describe just how depressing it is that what was once such a beacon of hope to Jews around the world is devolving into something that will probably soon be largely indistinguishable from the nazi regime that led to Israel's creation in the first place. And I don't know if the fact that so much of our support for Israel over its history has been due to the lunatic end-times beliefs of American evangelicals (in which all Jewish people die and go to hell) could really make it worse, but it feels like it does.
  14. This Israeli government is not that Israeli government, and the state of Egypt is not the same as an unrepresented indigenous population oppressed by an apartheid regime.
  15. I don't have anything particularly insightful to contribute so I'm just going to stick with dark humor. Can you imagine if we actually did get some Arab countries to agree to resettle the Palestinians? The Sauds would probably dump them in the Rub' al Khali and tell them good luck.
  16. Nothing justifies what Hamas has done. Nothing could. But what they've done is the type of thing that tends to happen when you brutally oppress a population for too long. We've seen it happen literally every single place a colonial force has occupied an indigenous society. Even in a place like India where we typically associate resistance with nonviolence. Violence begets violence and Israel's far right and its campaign of oppression and violence against Palestinians was only ever going to empower Hamas or someone else like them. The far right in both Israel and Palestine have done a great job empowering each other and ensuring that no peaceful resolution is possible. Some assholes just love to fight and to kill and will drag millions along with them.
  17. Humanitarian corridors to where? Gaza has been an open air prison for years. Israel isn't going to suddenly let most of its population leave. I don't know enough about the current state of Israeli domestic politics to have a good sense if they've got the internal support to do it, but it sure seems that Netanyahu and most if not all of Likud and the IDF are about ready to carry out a horrific genocide.
  18. "Hamas are assholes so we can starve 2 million people" is not a compelling moral argument.
  19. Imagine hearing a British sailor pronounce this.
  20. I support it. Imagine how fucking ashamed some asshole would be to get killed by a cruise missile launched from the USS Boaty McBoatface.
  21. That shit is infuriating, but y’all have to admit it was also hilarious. Of course Abreu just did that.
  22. Fatty specifically bitched about poor children being able to go to school. He absolutely hates public education.
  23. Who ever would’ve guessed that Hornfans would outlive Shaggy?
  24. Why kill the impeachment inquiry? The GOP is so fucking bad at it it's going to end up helping Dems.
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