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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. It's also setting the stage for workplace violence. If a lot more people feel emboldened to act like this plaintiff, some of them are inevitably going to get punched in the face by their co-workers.
  2. I wonder what the subject of this thread, who still to this day believes that genetics predispose people to criminal behavior, has to say about this:
  3. I wonder when the media will come around to realizing that abortion is a winning issue for Dems. At this rate, maybe they’ll figure it out in 20 years.
  4. Why is it that every time someone ventures in here (and I assume every other political forum online) and pretends to be smarter than everyone else and above their petty partisan politics, they're actually a reactionary dipshit with the intelligence of a not-particularly-bright high school freshman? Just once I'd like to see one that comes across as possibly interesting.
  5. Cannon taking instructions from Fox News is, shit what do you call it? Not a good sign? The other one.
  6. Some fucking kook was constantly harassing her coworkers with anti-abortion propaganda so Southwest fired her and she sued and won over $5 million because they violated her religious liberty.
  7. I'm not convinced that Ron isn't a serial killer.
  8. The statutes of limitations for crimes that wealthy people or members of Congress/state legislatures might get caught committing tend to be shorter than for crimes for which poor and minorities are disproportionately arrested. One guess as to why.
  9. It's partly because he bought off Cy Vance. Before Vance he was probably buying off his predecessors, or threatening them via his mob ties.
  10. Rimbo is about to get into an argument with 10 posters about how actually unsolved murders aren't crimes at all or something.
  11. Is it really your argument that Trump has never committed any crimes except those that he's now being charged for (and I presume you believe his actions in Georgia for which charges seem imminent were crimes)? I would probably laugh myself to death if he fled to Russia.
  12. Yeah, his antivax pivot was pretty much exactly when all of Silicon Valley (along with their IDW-type fellow travelers) suddenly began enthusiastically supporting him. The rest of the piece about why he sucks is true enough, but it's completely wrong on its argument that Silicon Valley folks are more respectable Republicans who thought DeSantis would be a "normal" version of Trump. Yes, they thought he'd be more effective than Trump in some respects, but they absolutely didn't think he'd be some normal everyman.
  13. Not having been indicted for the many many crimes he's committed is actually how he's gotten away with them.
  14. You say that like it means they're exemplary characters.
  15. This is absurd. Silicon Valley execs are all themselves a bunch of barely disguised alt-right cranks and they fucking love RFK Jr.
  16. Best part of the entire brawl is the black guy jumping off the boat before it docked and swimming across to get involved. Then he gets up on the dock and has the presence of mind to take his shoes off.
  17. He’s actually been getting away with crimes his entire life.
  18. I think it's incredibly obvious that she's giving Trump special treatment, at the very least. Her blatantly overreaching to interrupt the investigation was absurd and I do not believe for one second it can be chalked up to mere incompetence. Now that the trial has landed in her lap I'm pretty sure she's trying to fuck up enough to have the case reassigned. Whether she's completely in the bag or Trump or just kind of in the bag for him and also horribly incompetent, I doubt she thinks she can actually handle this trial. What matters most to her is still appearing loyal to the lunatics who she thinks will have a say in whether or not she eventually gets elevated to an appellate seat. The safest way to do that is to punt the case in a way that makes it look like you were deeply suspicious of the case against him.
  19. I don't know that I buy the most damning speculation (that Cannon was intended from the beginning to be a strategic Trump asset), but she is very obviously in the bag for Trump. In her very short time on the bench dealing with criminal defendants not named Trump, she's already clearly violated a defendant's constitutional rights. And Federalist Society hacks aren't known for their deference to the rights of criminal defendants. I like Twice but he's got a definite blind spot regarding Cannon. Maybe because she looks somewhat like Kimberly Guilfoyle, maybe because he's an older lawyer who doesn't want to believe the law is Calvinball, maybe both.
  20. Ok, I know I just cautioned against certainty, but it is an absolute certainty that the Department of Justice is not going to enter into a plea deal with Trump in which Trump promises to drop out of politics. Christie is talking out of his ass.
  21. Rimbo is like a rabid dog with a bone sometimes. He's alright, but the certainty about any American presidential election is misguided. Trump could get convicted of every charge plus the Georgia shit and be sitting in prison and he'd still win the GOP nomination and still pull 40+% of the vote in 2024 because that's how shit works in America these days.
  22. I dunno. Yeah, the typical lawyer response should be "lemme go point-by-point why all your claims are legally bullshit." But when dealing with Elon/his counsel? I think it might be more effective to simply respond with a "we thought you would like to know that someone is signing your name to stupid letters" response.
  23. Looking at baseball reference today, Julks had 307 plate appearances coming into today while Chas had 266. Dusty should be arrested for this.
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