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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. You've never heard of Heritage? They're an incredibly influential Republican think tank, that was traditionally one of the more staid Republican think tanks. Them going full pro-Russia is yet more evidence that there are no "respectable" factions left within the GOP.
  2. He's been among the "center-right" intellectual pundits who helped cover up and deflect concern from the growing rise of fascism among the right for the past few decades. He's particularly irksome because all he really does most of the time is a slightly higher-brow version of Tom Friedman's "when I was in Mumbai I was riding in a taxi and saw a Nike billboard and this is why..." schtick, with a gloss of faux-humility over everything that is transparently bullshit if you know anything about him or read him for long. For example, anyone with any real humility wouldn't have the gall to teach a course on humility at Yale where he just made students read his own NYT op-eds.
  3. Brisket, man, look at who you're talking to. You're just giving him reasons why he needs to murder all his neighbors and illegally cast votes in their names for the GOP.
  4. I don't know why y'all are trying to convince the school shootings enthusiast why he should support student loan forgiveness. Even Sack at his worst isn't as much of a selfish piece of shit as fatty is.
  5. From that Farrow piece: Some day he's going to fuck up and drop a rocket in Brownsville and kill some people. Disregarding safety regulations like this should get you imprisoned.
  6. I'm not sure you even know what you're talking about here.
  7. What's very funny is that after years of investigating they've got absolutely no answer to this question. Meanwhile, when Trump was President, he completely reversed course on US policy to support the Saudi military blockade of Qatar (where CENTCOM is headquartered), to shake them down into giving his son-in-law $1.1 billion to bail him out of a shitty real estate deal. Funny enough, Republicans never investigated that.
  8. Well my dad has been dead for nearly 20 years, so yeah that would be pretty odd.
  9. It’s so funny how much GOP posters clearly hate their own family. “You seriously believe he answers his phone when his son calls?!?!?!”
  10. We should be moving to nationalize Starlink and SpaceX and to deport Elon to the Titanic wreck.
  11. What a dork, imagine not being literally related to Hunter Biden and caring about him. Couldn't be me.
  12. It's getting harder and harder to think that Meatball isn't actually a serial killer.
  13. A RCP link? Congratulations, your computer has about 8,000 viruses now.
  14. Hillary hiring Mark Penn in 2008 is really all you need to know about her political acumen.
  15. Sure there is. It'll be 4 years later and most people haven't seen him losing his mind on Truth social every day. If it weren't for the criminal prosecutions that will be ongoing to remind everyone, a decent chunk of the electorate would absolutely forget why they thought Trump was so awful in 2020 by the time November 2024 comes around. I know I'm a broken record on this, but only like four of y'all actually seem to get it. The American electorate has the memory of a mayfly. After losing in Iraq, the mess that was the government's response to Katrina, and causing the worst recession since the Great Depression, the GOP had record gains in Congress and in statehouses all over the country in 2010, just two years after Obama's election. Even after a horrible failure of a governmental response to the pandemic, Trump came much closer than anyone wants to acknowledge to winning reelection in 2020. Everyone was horrified by 1/6, but within a year so many had forgotten about it that the GOP was treating those who stormed the Capitol as heroic patriots and took back the House in 2022. I can go on with examples all day. Despite everything the GOP has done, there's still tens of millions of undecided voters who view the GOP as essentially a normal political party. People can adjust to accept a whole lot of outrageous shit as normal and the voters we need to win are generally not very smart people. They basically vote on vibes influenced by all sorts of ridiculous shit. Do I think Trump is likely to win the general next year? No. Luckily some prosecutors finally got their shit together and there will be criminal prosecutions ongoing during his campaign, reminding voters of a small portion of the worst shit he did and giving him plenty of new chances to publicly embarrass himself. His constant whining will absolutely hurt him politically (and probably legally too). And the Dobbs backlash is the one exception to the "everyone forgets shit immediately" law of politics. If Biden and the Dems can stop being so timid on abortion and actually seize on that, they should do pretty well in the general next year. But Trump probably has better odds of winning in 2024 right now than anyone was giving him in the days before the 2016 election, and we know what happened then. Anyone who thinks that Trump or the GOP is definitely done for is living in a fantasy world and refuses to learn anything from real experiences.
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