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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Ana was so not triggered he had to debate people on the internet all evening. You love to see that kind of self control.
  2. Ana is very triggered by the existence of unmarried women.
  3. Kind of puts the lie to Elon's explanations about prior cooperation with India and China, huh?
  4. Just to add additional context to this, he was quoting or paraphrasing (and certainly not critically) a speech from the neo-Nazi William Pierce. Pierce wrote the Turner Diaries, which is one of the most racist things ever written and has inspired numerous acts of terrorism and violence, including the Oklahoma City bombing. But supporting universal healthcare is probably morally equivalent.
  5. Of course Elon refused to comply with a search warrant.
  6. Typically not much, but: And he nominated her after he lost the election. I don't think he had some grand plan to do this shit or anything, I think it was simpler than that. I think he wanted someone in that courthouse who he thought he could rely on and he received assurances, either from her or through someone else, that she was a team player.
  7. This is kind of like saying that if she were currently involved in a sexual relationship with Trump that wouldn't necessarily prove bias, but just be one data point. I'm no historian, but the special master case has to have been one of if not the most clearly abusive overreaches of judicial power in our nation's history. Not only did she interfere and attempt to block a criminal investigation she should have had no involvement in, she said that she specifically did so because of Trump's status as an ex-president. She ignored that she had no jurisdiction in the matter and threw out pretty much every fundamental principal of American law and decided that Donald Trump was a very special boy who was entitled to special protections against criminal investigation. You keep behaving as if that was really just a silly, naïve, minor mistake but it just wasn't.
  8. It's also setting the stage for workplace violence. If a lot more people feel emboldened to act like this plaintiff, some of them are inevitably going to get punched in the face by their co-workers.
  9. I wonder what the subject of this thread, who still to this day believes that genetics predispose people to criminal behavior, has to say about this:
  10. I wonder when the media will come around to realizing that abortion is a winning issue for Dems. At this rate, maybe they’ll figure it out in 20 years.
  11. Why is it that every time someone ventures in here (and I assume every other political forum online) and pretends to be smarter than everyone else and above their petty partisan politics, they're actually a reactionary dipshit with the intelligence of a not-particularly-bright high school freshman? Just once I'd like to see one that comes across as possibly interesting.
  12. Cannon taking instructions from Fox News is, shit what do you call it? Not a good sign? The other one.
  13. Some fucking kook was constantly harassing her coworkers with anti-abortion propaganda so Southwest fired her and she sued and won over $5 million because they violated her religious liberty.
  14. I'm not convinced that Ron isn't a serial killer.
  15. The statutes of limitations for crimes that wealthy people or members of Congress/state legislatures might get caught committing tend to be shorter than for crimes for which poor and minorities are disproportionately arrested. One guess as to why.
  16. It's partly because he bought off Cy Vance. Before Vance he was probably buying off his predecessors, or threatening them via his mob ties.
  17. Rimbo is about to get into an argument with 10 posters about how actually unsolved murders aren't crimes at all or something.
  18. Is it really your argument that Trump has never committed any crimes except those that he's now being charged for (and I presume you believe his actions in Georgia for which charges seem imminent were crimes)? I would probably laugh myself to death if he fled to Russia.
  19. Yeah, his antivax pivot was pretty much exactly when all of Silicon Valley (along with their IDW-type fellow travelers) suddenly began enthusiastically supporting him. The rest of the piece about why he sucks is true enough, but it's completely wrong on its argument that Silicon Valley folks are more respectable Republicans who thought DeSantis would be a "normal" version of Trump. Yes, they thought he'd be more effective than Trump in some respects, but they absolutely didn't think he'd be some normal everyman.
  20. Not having been indicted for the many many crimes he's committed is actually how he's gotten away with them.
  21. You say that like it means they're exemplary characters.
  22. This is absurd. Silicon Valley execs are all themselves a bunch of barely disguised alt-right cranks and they fucking love RFK Jr.
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