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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. You seriously think that's what he's talking about?
  2. I'm surprised it's that low. We're not talking about smart people, here.
  3. This is such an incredibly funny argument for why you're right about something. "Christopher Hitchens' brother converted so we must be right!" Man, just think about that for like, two seconds.
  4. It's really amazing how fucking bad our mainstream media remains at grappling with the fact that the right is just all nazis now.
  5. In other words, "look discovery would be incredibly fucking embarrassing and damaging so let's just all acknowledge that yes I defamed the shit out of y'all."
  6. We have to have the worst medical staff in all of MLB.
  7. It's telling that they won't even say what it was she allegedly said that warranted that kind of response. If it was something really beyond what you'd expect from a professor you know they'd be telling everyone exactly what she said. But they're completely silent and she's not even sure what got her in trouble, so it was almost certainly something trivial. But pampered conservatives can't even handle the idea of someone being remotely critical of them.
  8. That Brit is good luck. The org needs to give him free tickets the rest of the series.
  9. The idea that Gore would've invaded Iraq without UN support is some absurd nonsense.
  10. What's really funny about the idea that Google being available will defeat any GOP attempt to indoctrinate children is that, just over the past year or two, Google's search has gotten much shitter. Give all the AI hucksters a few years to pollute the internet with fake AI-produced nonsense and Google may well be pretty much completely useless within five years.
  11. If things worked the way you seem to think they do, do you think somewhere between 20 to 30% of Americans would believe QAnon shit?
  12. The same way their lost cause bullshit "worked" for over 100 years.
  13. It depends on what the lease said. The standard TAR residential lease form permits landlords to basically do whatever you want with any property a tenant leaves after moving out. I expect your lease probably had something similar. But keep in mind that communications with them post-move may have been sufficient to establish an enforceable agreement that you'd let them pick them up later, particularly if they were via email.
  14. It's simple. It makes it easier for them to lie to and keep their kids politically aligned with them as they grow up.
  15. He won't, and even if he did, he'd still have plenty of far-right lunatic billionaire money backing him. But even if he lost all his financial support, why would he give a shit? Dems didn't even run anyone against him last time.
  16. It'd be a damned shame if he needed treatment for injuries and it was denied to him.
  17. Yes, this and the two-term limitation are the only ways to disqualify someone who meets the Constitution's basic requirements from being President. The 14th Amendment's disqualification almost certainly doesn't apply to normal criminal convictions and nobody really knows if it's self-executing or would need to be alleged in some sort of judicial or non-judicial formal proceeding or resolution (such as a Senate resolution following a conviction after an impeachment).
  18. Being convicted and imprisoned wouldn't disqualify him.
  19. Cannon is going to drag this out as long as she thinks she can get away with.
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