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Focht Up

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Everything posted by Focht Up

  1. They're not happy unless they are conjuring up some conspiracy theory
  2. They went from jimbo being a god to let's fire jimbo in 2 weeks.
  3. I have to say "fuck Rice straight to hell" after that cheap shot on Irby.
  4. They make shit up all the time, as long as it sounds good to them
  5. That's just so fucking bad. Hard to believe, really.
  6. We'll have to agree to disagree. The world doesn't exist where I'd be singing the praises of Tom Herman.
  7. If last year's defense had been able to achieve mediocrity, 8 wins would have been the floor.
  8. Point taken. I still stand by my belief in Sark. I think we are in for a better record this season than most are predicting.
  9. I predict this post will not age well Sark is light years better than Tom Herman.
  10. Laughing at "Ain't NOBODY gonna tell Jimbo what to do". That should be a thread title.
  11. Oh, the old "conversation with a friend who knows everyone ". Of course it's really true.
  12. If it were any other school, the required comment would have be something about filling up on bread.
  13. A dab of refried bean on a nacho takes it up a notch
  14. Oh, their meltdown will be entertaining
  15. But in the sec, it just means more. So their 2 wins are equivalent to 3 wins.
  16. Could someone please post that jpg of dumbo getting hit in the face with a volleyball?
  17. Wait. I recall reading on the internet that jimbo cares more about teaching players than winning games
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