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Ten Bears

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Are we married because that sounds exactly like me. Hi sweetie!
  2. I have been a lifelong Cowboys fan. When I was 10 I had the Roger Staubach full uniform, pads, helmet and everything. November 18th I will be rooting for the Texans.
  3. Imagine the list that owning the site will get you on?
  4. Mike Campbell and the Dirty Knobs and Lucinda ACLLive tix go on sale Thursday, presale tomorrow. Ten Bears would be forever grateful for a presale code.
  5. What kind of "InSidE JoB!!! would use a kid who seems to be new to firearms and not even give him a scope? Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.
  6. I remember the GM Steakhouse tip jar had a sign that said Tips is Spit Spelled Backwards. I acted like Jerry at the soup nazi place when I was in there.
  7. Pigs eat their own shit though. It's recursive.
  8. We used to give our pigs post-processed deer carcasses and the only things they couldn't eat were the brain pans as they couldn't get their mouths open enough to crush them. Moral of the story would be to smack your corpse's skull with a hammer before feeding the pigs.
  9. Ten Bears


    Wait 3 hours?
  10. I was told you wrap them in chicken wire and throw them in deep water by a dam and the fish will take care of the rest. Also you have to stab the abdomen several times so the bloating gas can escape and the corpse won't float.
  11. I would have at least died trying to throw that shit as far as I could.
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