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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wood

  1. Yeah it really seems like some people were speculating based on the success of the last couple of years, trying to flip tickets & are now trying to dump them. Loads of well below face value tickets on all the ticket sites, even on craigslist. Some of it could be people trying to sell because the championship is over, but I don't really see that being a significant thing. I don't think most people go just for the championship, and you'd lose your ass cancelling a whole pre-planned trip this late. Yeah I was gonna go on Friday, but now that's looking unlikely. Too hot, for one thing. I was at that WEC race a few years ago in August in the same conditions, and I don't wanna do that again. And yeah I waited too late for my usual off-site parking lots and now they're full. Yeah this is pretty much what I've been thinking. The bubble will burst at some point, and I guess it might be starting. But still, Abbott & Bobby said yesterday that they're still expecting a $1 Billion impact to the State from this one race alone lol.
  2. Dunno about the other days, but Friday-only ticket prices dropped about 25% just since this morning on TickPick. $32 in a grandstand, all in.
  3. LOL. They should have like 7 or 8 different numbers each for tire abrasion, grip, traction etc based on which piece of asphalt they're talking about.
  4. I love this 'Kevin-from the Office' speak. I've started incorporating it into my day-to-day life. Why use many word, when few word do trick?
  5. Hmm ... a group road ride starting at 9am near downtown on S. Congress? I dunno man.
  6. Longhorn themed Williams gear. Poor Logan ...
  7. For those of you on twitter ... maybe a few sternly worded tweets to @MLBONFOX and @MLB would help. Who knows. I just saw an article on Bad Broadcasting where Smoltz's response to criticism was basically what you'd think it would be. You know ... 'Yeah, well, they didn't play the game' kinda stuff.
  8. I might have to try that. And yeah, 'lecture' is the perfect word for what he does. It's like "Hey, I played baseball, so I'm gonna educate all you noobs". Every second doesn't need to be 'Baseball 101', esp for a whole lotta fans who actually do know the game.
  9. Seriously. Unreal. It's an absolute beating. He's like the neighbor chick across the culdesac. If I or most of my neighbors walk out the front door and see her outside, we just turn around and go right back inside. Once she corners you, you're fucked. And no, you don't wanna see pics. Trust me. Smoltz has you cornered because you wanna see the game.
  10. Are there people somewhere who actually like Smoltz's hyper-analytical, never leave a millisecond of dead air approach? Can't we just enjoy the motherfucking game for a second?
  11. Perhaps, just strange for Alpine to publicly comment that a contract has expired, IMO. Is Cadillac coming as an engine supplier eventually, or just a partner with Andretti? Did they? Serious question. I don't know, but I thought it came out as the result of someone digging it up. I read somewhere that it had already expired back in March. That's not necessarily a bad thing for Andretti though.
  12. Yep. how embarrassing. Basically in the second half they did everything wrong that they possibly could do wrong. And all the flexing, strutting, and shit-talking they do really looks great, esp when blowing a 29 point halftime lead to a 1-4 team..
  13. ^ & ^^ ... speaking of Marko, big rumor that he and Horner are at odds and Horner wants him gone. Apparently some of the family/shareholders do too.
  14. No idea how credible, but this is awfully interesting ... Ferrari looking for another vote in the balance of power? Ferrari is not opposed to Andretti's entry into F1 and is thinking about the supply of Power Units (Italian) formu1a.uno/ferrari-non-si-oppone-allingresso-di-andretti-in-f1-e-pensa-alla-fornitura-delle-power-unit/
  15. Re: Noble's article ... I posted that over on Autosport and mentioned that COTA had 34 garages. I asked for others with circuit-specific knowledge of garages to post what they knew. A couple did, and then a mod posted this: Not as crowded as they make it seem then, I guess. Shocking!!! It seems like Noble could have found this info easily enough and pointed it out, but I guess journalists don't actually question anything anymore. Sad.
  16. So ... this is something Jonathan Noble actually said: 'Andretti heading for F1 green light not court, says Ben Sulayem' 'FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem is optimistic Andretti’s Formula 1 entry will be approved by FOM, as he dismissed fears of court action or a war erupting between series bosses.' https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/andretti-heading-for-f1-green-light-not-court-says-ben-sulayem/10531501/ He also repeatedly referred to an 11th entry as an 'extra' team. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that well more than half of the current tracks have held races with 11 or even 12 teams. There were 12 teams in 2012, and they raced on, by my quick count, 14 of the circuits currently being raced. Am I doing it wrong? One commenter notes: "Of the tracks that should be on the calendar when Andretti joins, only Jeddah, Miami, Zandvoort, Lusail and Las Vegas have not hosted Formula One races with 11 or even 12 teams in recent times. That's less than a quarter of the venues! So why is Motorsport falsely claiming that more than half of the venues couldn't cope with it???" Never mind the fact that new tracks are required to have garages for at least 12 teams.
  17. I've been saying for years they're crazy if they don't get back there soon.
  18. Yep, shoulda slowed it down and kicked the FG with hardly any time left. But once that didn't happen, I was telling my boys at the time I thought we needed to go for it because this game is always so crazy, we ain't gonna get a call, etc, so we were just leaving 'em too much time. I 100% get why he did it and 99% of the time it probably works out, but TX-ou is just weird that way, so I wasn't feeling too good about it.
  19. I hope they keep this shit up. Won't help them, but it could sure help focus the Horns to clean some things up & get after the remaining 6. See these fucks in December.
  20. That'll help, for sure, but that's still about the length of an F1 race & at least 5 stints between the drivers. BTW, did you see this from Alex Brundle in reaction to Qatar? I was at that race but I had no idea about all those guys leaving in ambulances. That was on Sept 22. Unless it rains, it'll be hotter than that next year.
  21. Haha what a fucking bitch. So punchable.
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