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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wood

  1. Nicely done. I'm guessing you've had that one in the chamber for a while.
  2. Reminds me of that old saying ... "Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck".
  3. wood

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    OK bruh. Keep thinking y'all were winning that game without help. By all means, knock yourself out, or join the real world.
  4. Fuck Tech. And Rapelor. But most of all fuck Tech ... and Rapelor And in case nobody's mentioned it, fuck Rapelor ... and Tech.
  5. I like how Yormark kept saying "It's all good". All good? No, motherfucker. It is most definitely not "all good". This was maybe the best thing of all the things, ever.
  6. Probably posted a long time ago, but NSIAP ... https://www.instagram.com/p/C0UiHaHRjlV/
  7. wood

    Fuck Brett Yormark

    Wait. Haven't been paying attention. Gundy won it? How in the actual fuck?
  8. wood

    Fuck Brett Yormark

    I like how he kept saying "It's all good". All good? No, motherfucker. It is most definitely not "all good".
  9. Wow what a cheesy fucking intro.
  10. Hahaha ... little bitch was fighting back the tears.
  11. wood

    Fuck Brett Yormark

    Hahaha ... little bitch was fighting back the tears.
  12. McElroy speakin' troofs. I like that guy.
  13. wood

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    "We" ... as in the players and the shitty Big 12 refs.
  14. Wow. Has Sean McDonough ever not sucked?
  15. wood

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    LOL, first time I've checked this thread in a while. Only insufferable cunt I've seen so far today is you.
  16. Not sure, but I've never found that I couldn't shift into neutral at any time and have accidentally done so numerous times.when I had console shifters. The better solution is for you to be able to override everything with the brake pedal, since that's going to be your automatic, instinctual reaction. I can't imagine why that wouldn't be the case. I understand the "British engineering" angle, but I'm not sure the brake overrides the throttle on other cars or if that's a requirement.
  17. Hey now ... I'm 58 and have had YTTV for 3 years. Love the unlimited dvr & the game-watching features (key plays, stats, split screen, etc). I have a stupid amount of stuff in my dvr, & practically every good movie ever made ... and the dvr is the best dvr I've ever used in terms of functionality, hands down.
  18. These kids are not trained in the ways of the aggy beatdown. Teach them we must ...
  19. Just watched the post-match press conference. I'm just massively impressed by Ella Swindle. I see great things in her future and for the team with her setting the ball. Exactly the kinda athlete you wanna coach.
  20. I bet Manboob Hellraiser could make a killing.
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