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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wood

  1. Oof, rough ride for Alonso there. Probably a penalty coming for rejoining too.
  2. LMAO but that has to suck.
  3. That reminds me of when Lewis actually 'sang' on someone's record. Y'all ever hear that?
  4. Lewis owning it now, so that's good.
  5. Yep. Pirelli'd again. What a joke.
  6. I was cringing, waiting for Fernando to get collected in that shit or get hit from behinf. Amazed he got through there ok.
  7. Piastri gonna be a great one imho.
  8. Lewis 'got taken out by my own teammate'. lol. OK lewis.
  9. Personally I think FOM has already told the teams that Andretti is coming, and now the teams are posturing, trying to get more money from FOM in the next Concorde Agreement. Y'all?
  10. Obtw, Rodin CEO David Dicker, as we've suspected all along, says the teams don't have a say. https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/rodin-f1-didnt-back-up-rhetoric-on-wanting-something-new-from-11th-team/10529252/ And the TPs' constant crying about Andretti is interesting imho. It seems like if they were confident that FOM would deny Andretti, they wouldn't be screaming from the mountaintops every chance they get that FOM shouldn't let them in. To me, it seems like they're not at all confident of their position and are lobbying FOM publicly.
  11. This just in: Ocon is a dumbfuck. Here's the part where I summarize Autosport stuff. I know we (myself included in the we) love to give the Brits hell, especially the Brit F1 press, but apparently the Sky crew (Naomi, Karun, and Simon) stepped up and did some actual journalism yesterday. I still can't find the interview, but everyone's talking about it on Autosport. They had James Vowles on, talking about how Andretti shouldn't be allowed in, how 'we already have an American team, so why do we need another', how Williams and 'half the teams' are losing money & struggling etc. Apparently the 3 of them challenged him quite a bit, asked hard questions, and basically Naomi told him that "there's room on the grid and in the rules for more teams, and the FIA has approved Andretti, so what's your gotdamn problem?" I believe that's a paraphrase, not a quote. : ) On a side note, Sky also ran a poll that showed 86% of fans in favor of Andretti's entry. I would imagine that the vast majority of those responding are British. Same goes on the other board. Probably around 90% not only in favor of Andretti, but also pretty pissed off that this is even in doubt. They're ripping the hell outta Vowles and the rest, pointing out that if you can't stay in the black in current F1, with a cost cap, etc, then that's on you, not F1 or Andretti, etc. I mean seriously, when has F1 been in better shape financially than it's in now? Seriously, Vowles says F1 isn't stable enough right now. When has F1 been in better shape financially than it's in now? I'm honestly surprised he didn't run out the silly "Not enough room in the garages" nonsense. Every argument these, eh, disingenuous TPs throw out there is utterly laughable.Every argument these dipshits throw out there is utterly laughable.
  12. wood

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    Sorry ot but I'm dumb and somehow missed that along the way. Can someone briefly explain it to me like I'm a child {since that's about all the mental capacirty I have left after a day jam-packed with CFB, MLB, and racing).
  13. wood

    Fuck Big 12 refs

    Over and over and over ... It's like they expect the defender to just suspend the laws of physics and disappear.
  14. wood


    Me neither, and I would love for us to have beaten OU today and then go beat them again in the CCG ... BUT, if we couldn't win them both, then as much as it sucked losing today, the one I'd to pick to win is the CCG. Can't do anything now about the loss, but we can sure as hell learn from it and win out to get a rematch, as you said. There's no reason this team can't do that and more. Hopefully it's a wakeup call, too, in terms of physicality, at l;east. Yes, we're physical af, but today there were times when I don't think our guys realized how physical they needed to be to win. Hopefully this game tape can be used as a teaching tool and motivator to show them there's no such thing as 'physical enough', and nothing's a given just because you have 1st & goal from the 1 or whatever it was.
  15. LMAO ... Why would any baseball player older than about 9 years old ever run from 2B on that ball to 3B? Never ceases to blow my mind
  16. I mean ... I thought being one of the shittiest posters in the history of the internet was a good enough reason, but yeah, this'll work too. 220. 221. Whatever it takes.
  17. We can rebuild him ... We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster.
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